

Two Errors of Pu Songling's Year of Birth and Their Correction
摘要 在聊斋学研究过程中,蒲松龄的生年曾出现过1622年和1630年两种错误,1622年的错误见于阿理克院士的聊斋小说选译本和陈铨的《中德文学研究》,从错误来源看,可能来自德文资料;1630年的错误来自于1920年3月天宝书局印刷、中华图书馆发行的石印本《聊斋全集》,其中有蒲松龄"享年八十有六"的错误,这一错误影响了鲁迅先生,他在《中国小说史略》中曾引用此说。胡适曾撰写《蒲松龄的生年考》一文,详细考证了蒲松龄的准确出生年份。但直到20世纪80年代,国内仍有人因袭石印本《聊斋全集》中蒲松龄生年的错误,而在俄罗斯汉学界,蒲松龄生年的错误直到1970年才由阿理克的学生艾德林改正。陈铨书中的错误直到1997年《中德文学研究》再版时才得以更正。 In the process of research on Liao Zhai Zhi Yi there are two errors of Pu Songling's year of birth: Pu Songling was born in 1622 and in 1630.The first error appeared in the translation into Russian of Liaozhai stories by acade- mician V.M.Alekseev and Chen Quan's monograph Sino-German Literature Res- earch . From the source,the first error may come from the German data. The second error appeared in lithographed edition of The Complete Works of Liaoz- ha/,which was printed by Tianbao press and published by Chinese Library in March 1920. There was an error in died at the age of 86. Mr. Lu Xun the complete works of Liaozhai:Pu Songling quoted the error in his work A Brief Histo- ry of Chinese Fiction. Hu Shi wrote the article The Research on Pu Songling's Year of Birth,in which Hu Shi conformed that Pu Songling was born in 1640 through clear and accurate evidences. the wrong Pu Songling's year of birth Russian data the wrong Pu Songling's But until 1980s,an auther has plagiarized from The Complete Works of Liaozhai. In year of birth was corrected by V.M.Aleks-eev's disciple L.Z.Eydlin until 1970. The error in Chen Quan's book was not corrected until the second edition of Sino-German Literature Re- search in 1997.
作者 岳巍
出处 《蒲松龄研究》 2017年第2期15-25,78,共12页 Study on Pu Songling
基金 国家社科基金项目"阿列克谢耶夫汉学学派研究"(项目批准号:11CWW007) 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目"<聊斋志异>在俄罗斯"(资助编号:2013M541170) 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目"明清小说在俄罗斯"(资助编号:2014T70209)的阶段性成果
关键词 聊斋学 蒲松龄 生年 阿理克 陈铨 鲁迅 胡适 Research on A Collection of Fantastic Stories Pu Songling the year of birth V.M.Alekseev Chen Quan Lu Xun Hu Shi
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