

New Tendencies of the Study of Chinese Literature in Korea in the 21th Century
摘要 本文将21世纪以来韩国汉文学界新出现的研究热点问题概括为区域文学、日常化、女性文学以及海外体验与交流四大主题,对代表性研究及具体观点进行了概括总结。在这四个主题中,前两者属于全新的视角,后两者则属于现有研究视角的延伸与扩大,尤其是海外体验与交流主题逐渐扩大为东亚文化交流,研究的范围和深度日益增加。 This article summarizes the new tendencies of the studies of the Chinese literature in Korea in the 21 th century into four representative themes: regional literature, routinization, feminine literature and literature of overseas experience and exchange, and their representative researches and specific viewpoints are exhibited as well. Among those four themes, the former two are totally new, and the latter two can be considered as the extension and expansion of existing research perspectives. The theme of overseas experience and exchange has been gradually expanded to cultural exchange in East Asia, whose scope and depth has been increasing day by day.
作者 李丽秋
出处 《国际汉学》 CSSCI 2017年第2期192-199,共8页 International Sinology
关键词 韩国 汉文学 东亚交流 21世纪 Korean literature Chinese literature exchange in East Asia new tendencies 21th century
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