

A Case Report of Takayasu Arteritis
摘要 大动脉炎是指主动脉及其主要分支和肺动脉的慢性非特异性炎性疾病。大动脉炎在东南亚和南美洲的发病率较高,遗传与免疫因素与其发病有关。主要累及育龄期女性,同时男女患者在临床症状也存在一定差异,因为大动脉炎的表现不具有典型,早期诊断较为困难,应该给予高度重视,同时采取相对应的处理措施。大动脉炎目前尚不可治愈,但是坚持复诊和及时治疗、检查,可以预防其他多脏器的损害,提高患者生存质量。 Arteritis is a chronic nonspecific inflammatory disease of the aorta and its main branches and pulmonary arteries. Arteritis is associated with higher incidence in southeast Asia and South America, with the genetic and immune factors associated with the disease. Mainly involving the childbearing age women, also there are some differences between male and female patients in the clinical symptoms, because arteries inflammation performance is not typical, early diagnosis is difficult, should be given high attention, at the same time corresponding treatment measures. Major arteritis is not yet treatable, but it is important to keep the diagnosis and treatment in time, to prevent the damage of other organs and improve the quality of the patient's survival.
出处 《中国继续医学教育》 2017年第13期147-149,共3页 China Continuing Medical Education
关键词 大动脉炎 追踪报道 免疫因素 takayasu disease follow-up report immune factors
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