

Economic Research in Genetics——Reviews the Origin and Development of Genoeconomics
摘要 纵观生物学和经济学研究的历史,人们会惊讶地发现,两者之间始终存在千丝万缕的联系,彼此借鉴、相互渗透并互相促进。21世纪初,随着人类基因组测定的完成和计算机技术的进步,研究人员获得了更全面的人类分子遗传学信息并把这些信息用于经济学方面的研究,以此提出了"基因经济学"(genoeconomics)这一术语。本文详细描述了基因经济学这一新兴学科的发展历程,介绍了行为遗传学、分子遗传学与经济学联系到一起的过程;在此基础上,讨论了基因经济学不同的研究方法,特别是其全基因组关联研究如何分析及利用分子遗传学信息的经济意义;最后综述了目前基因经济学研究的主要成果和研究预期,以及基因经济学研究的主要贡献和遇到的挑战。 It is surprised to find how inextricably biology and economics are linking to each other in the development of these two different areas. Throughout the years, these two areas learn from each other, and the development in one area almost always mutually penetrates and is beneficial to the development of both areas. The completion of the human genome sequence determination and the development of computer technology at the beginning of the 21 century leads to the development of a new interdisciplinary field-"Genoeconomics". The paper provides to its audience a broader yet detailed enough perspective of genoeconomics' development history and introduces the roadmap of how behavioral genetics, molecular genetics and economics are linking to each other. Based on these, it discusses that the study methods of genoeconomics are different based on the molecular genetics, especially how the whole genome-wide association studies to analyze and use the economic significance of these information. It concludes the main harvest of current genoeconomics study and the prediction as well and, the author also points out the challenges facing by frontier scholars in the study of genoeconomiea.
作者 唐谭岭 唐未兵 TANG Tan-ling TANG Wei-bing(School of Economics and Trade, Hunan Universit)
出处 《科学与社会》 CSSCI 2017年第2期47-57,69,共12页 Science and Society
关键词 分子遗传学 行为遗传学 基因经济学 全基因组关联研究 molecular genetics, behavioral genetics, genoeconomics, genome-wide association studies
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