With the rising of micro-blogging users, microblog information capacity has grown rapidly. Fast recommendation of interested friends for micro-blogging users based on the jumbled microblog information becomes inevitable problem. Therefore faced with massive data of microblog, with Hadoop as platform and MapReduce as program frame and based on HBase, a hybrid algorithm of Apriori & Item -based collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm has been proposed and a recommended friends system has been established, in which system computation of frequent item set with massive microblog content records has been conducted to express users' favorites with tags for promotion of its time performances via Apriori algorithm and thus recommendation of tags has been matched via Item-based algorithm for decrease of recommendation time and occupancy rate of system resource. In order to verify its effectiveness and reliability, two groups of contrast experiments have been conducted, in which the first one involves contrast tests of time performances with collabo- rative filtering algorithm based on Apriori algorithm vs traditional collaborative filtering algorithm and the other one is composed of con- trast tests of hybrid algorithm combined Apriori algorithm with Item-based collaborative filtering algorithm vs hybrid K -means algo- rithm. The results of contrast experiments show that in large micro-blogging capacity, compared with hybrid K -means clustering algo- rithm ,the proposed algorithm has decreased the running time by 24% -44% and has lifted 1.2 - 1.5 times in operation time and CPU oc- cupancy rate. Obviously, the time and recommended resource consumption can be greatly reduced and efficiency recommended improved for proposed algorithm.
Computer Technology and Development