The Chinese termxing’ershang xue is the translation of'metaphysics.'In the context of the study of Chinese philosophy,there is a complexity and confusion around these two terms,arising from geyi(interpreting the Western concepts in light of Chinese philosophy)and fanxiang geyi,or reverse geyi(Interpreting Chinese ideas in light of Western concepts).More often than not,people do not use xing’ershang xue as'metaphysics'is understood in Western philosophy;on the other hand,people understand'metaphysics'based on the Chinese philosophical phrase'Xing’ershang zhe wei zhi dao,'meaning'what abstracts that exceeds the figure is called the Dao or Way.'And they attempt to construct'a metaphysics of Chinese philosophy.'Any discipline is established on the premise of its research object.Metaphysics in Western philosophy,with'existence'as its object and rationalism as its basis,is transcendental;while in terms of Chinese philosophy,since'existence'is not its object,and xing’ershang xue is merely a translation of'metaphysics,'there is no such a branch as xing’ershang xue.We cannot'innovate''a metaphysics of Chinese philosophy'just because we borrowed xing’er shangto translate'metaphysics.'
China Social Science Review