

To Promote Youth Employment: The Implementation of Traineeships Program and its Experience
摘要 "工作场培训项目"是英国政府针对年轻人失业率上升而采取的措施。"工作场培训项目"通过对年轻人进行工作场所实习,工作准备培训、英语数学课程学习以及其他职业培训,帮助他们进入学徒制或者得到稳定的工作,提高年轻人就业率。英国"工作场培训项目"以解决年轻人就业问题为导向,由国家提供特别资助,注重理论与实践的结合,强调参与各方的共同合作,并以过程性实时记录作为对学员的考核手段。该项目对我国解决当前青年就业问题有一定的借鉴意义。 Traineeships program is an effective measure of British government for the current youth unemployment. The core con- tent of Traineeships program is work preparation training, a high quality work experience placement, English, maths and other profes- sional training. All these curriculums help young people to enter apprenticeship or get a stable work and improve the youth employ- ment. Traineeships program aims to solve the problem of youth unemployment, specially funded by the state. And it pays attention to the combination of theory with practice, emphasizes the cooperation of different parties, and records the whole progress of training for learners. The successful implementation of Traineeships program could provide certain reference for Chinese current youth unemploy- ment.
出处 《成人教育》 北大核心 2017年第7期87-91,共5页 Adult Education
基金 国家社科基金(教育学单列)一般项目"英国 印度 瑞士 芬兰四国技术技能型人才培养的政策与实践研究" 批准号为BDA140025 项目主持人:徐辉
关键词 英国 “工作场培训项目” 职业培训 England traineeships program vocational training
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