
区域、阶级与乡村役畜分配——以20世纪30-50年代山西省为例 被引量:4

Region,Class and Draft Animal Distribution in Rural Areas:with Shanxi in 1930s-1950s as the Example
摘要 役畜是中国传统乡村重要的生产资料和家庭财富。本研究利用新的资料分析发现,20世纪30—50年代山西乡村役畜分配在区域和阶级上具有明显的不均衡和不平等的特点。区域上,晋南多牛,晋北多驴、骡;平原多牛、马,丘陵、山地多驴。数量上,地主、富农阶级占有的役畜较多,中农、贫农阶级占有的役畜较少。类型上,地主、富农多马、骡,中农、贫农多牛、驴,这与不同阶级的生产经营方式密切关联。役畜分配结构因家户经济结构、地理区位等因素而呈现多样性和复杂性,并受疫病、灾荒、战争等因素影响发生动态演变。土改对于役畜阶级分配的影响是有限度的,土改后至高级社入社前,役畜分配发生的新动向,很大程度上体现了乡村社会经济演变的传统。整体而言,20世纪30—50年代山西乡村地区役畜比较贫乏,这是家户间互助合作的重要背景,也是理解中国共产党推行农业集体化的一个关键原因。 Draft animals are an important means of production and household property in Chinese traditional villages. Analysis of new data shows that there were striking imbalance and inequality between regions and classes in terms of draft animal distribution in the rural areas of Shanxi in 1930s-1950 s. Region-wise,there were more oxen in the south of Shanxi but more donkeys and mules in the north,and more oxen and horses on the plateau but more donkeys in the mountainous areas. Quantity-wise,landlords and rich peasants owned more draft animals than middle and poor peasants. Type-wise,landlords and rich peasants had more horses and mules,whereas middle and poor peasants had more oxen and donkeys,the reason of which can be attributed to their different modes of production and management. The distribution pattern of draft animals co-varies in a complicated way with such elements as household economic status and geographic locations,and demonstrates dynamic evolution with pestilence,famine,war,and other factors. The land reform had only limited impact on the class-oriented distribution pattern of draft animals. After the land reform and before the higher cooperative period,there were some new moves in the distribution pattern which to a large extent embodied the evolving tradition of rural social economy. Taken as a whole,the rural areas of Shanxi in 1930s-1950 s were relatively deplete with draft animals,which explained why there was plenty of mutual cooperation between households and also why the CPC implemented agricultural collectivization.
出处 《开放时代》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期71-88,共18页 Open Times
基金 国家社科基金重大招标项目"当代中国农村基层档案资料搜集 整理与出版"(项目编号:12&ZD147)的阶段性成果
关键词 役畜分配 山西乡村 阶级成份登记表 draft animal distribution rural areas of Shanxi registration form of class status
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