

On the Development of People-centered Urbanization and the Improvement of Anti-poverty Strategies in Towns
摘要 人的城镇化发展不仅要求城镇善待进城农民工,还要求城镇敞开怀抱,接纳进城的农村弱势群体和困难人群。然而,一直以来城镇政府与城镇社会没有把城镇无业农民或找不到工作的农民视为城镇居民,认为这部分人的贫困问题应该由户籍所在地的农村政府解决。随着以"人的城镇化"为核心的新型城镇化进一步推进,城镇不仅需要重视来自农村的"转移性贫困"问题,而且由于城镇社会比较富裕,解决贫困问题比农村更有效率,还应该成为国家减少贫困人口的主阵地。此外,鉴于进城农民的贫困是"富裕社会的贫困问题",城镇反贫困策略要不同于农村,可以从三个方面实施,即:生产、修复城镇贫困空间,解决进城农民"人的贫困"问题;发展均等化公共服务,解决进城农民"公共贫困"问题;给予更多的民本关怀,解决进城农民"权益贫困"问题。 The development of people-centered urbanization requires that the town government should not only generously treat migrant workers, but also actively accept the rural vulnerable groups and the low income crowd into towns. However, the town government and society have not treated the unemployed migrants as their own urban residents all the time. They take it for granted that the original rural government should be responsible for the poverty problems of these unemployed migrants. With the further advance of the new-type urbanization, towns need to emphasize "metastatic poverty" from rural areas. Moreover, it is more efficient for the urban society to solve the poverty because it is richer than rural government, so it should become the main position to reduce poverty population. Also, since the poverty for migrant workers is one of the problems existing in the rich society, anti- poverty strategies in towns for migrant workers are supposed to be implemented from the following aspects: produce or repair the urban poverty space to solve their "people poverty"; develop the equalization of public services to solve their "public poverty" ; give them more humanistic care to solve their "rights and interests poverty".
作者 吴业苗
出处 《社会主义研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期95-102,共8页 Socialism Studies
基金 2015年度国家社会科学基金重点项目"公共服务均等化视阈下‘人的城镇化’实践问题与体制创新研究"(15ASH015)
关键词 人的城镇化 转移性贫困 城镇反贫困策略 People-centered Urbanization Metastatic Poverty Anti-poverty Strategy in Towns
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