电传飞控系统(Fly By Wire,简称FBW)通过传感器余度配置,提高了信号可用性和完整性。介绍了几类常见的传感器余度配置方案及其表决逻辑,设计了三余度传感器表决架构,对其中比较器、计数器进行了详细描述。最后通过一个仿真算例验证了表决器设计的正确性。对于国内民机传感器余度配置和表决管理具有指导意义。
Fly By Wire Flight Control System improved the availability and integrity of signals by the redundancy sensors configuration. This paper introduces several Redundancy Configurations and the corresponding Vote Logic,presents the Compare Module and Counter Module, and designs the Triple Redundancy Sensor Voter, which has been verified by a simulation case. This paper can provide the guidance for Redundancy sensors Management and Voter Design for Civil Aircraft.
Civil Aircraft Design & Research