
琼东南盆地深水大气田地质特征、成藏模式及勘探方向研究 被引量:56

Study on the Geological Characteristics,Accumulation Model and Exploration Direction of the Giant Deepwater Gas Field in the Qiongdongnan Basin
摘要 琼东南盆地深水领域获得天然气勘探重大突破,但对深水天然气成藏特征的认识存在不少疑点,亟需开展天然气成因、来源及成藏过程与模式的系统分析。研究认为L17深水大气田天然气以烃类气为主,二氧化碳含量低。天然气甲烷、乙烷碳同位素特征表明天然气为有机成因、高成熟煤型气。天然气轻烃C_6、C_7系列中异构烷烃、环烷烃含量高,表明天然气生源母质以陆源高等植物为主。结合本区始新统、渐新统烃源岩成熟史综合分析认为,L17深水大气田天然气来源于渐新统崖城组烃源岩。盆地深水区晚中新世黄流期发育大型限制型块体搬运沉积,形成了优质砂岩储集体;因高密度砂质块体搬运沉积被周边深海泥岩封闭及"西低东高"的构造格局等条件配置,形成了上中新统黄流组岩性圈闭群;约4.9Ma以来渐新统崖城组烃源岩生成的成熟—高成熟天然气,在源-储压差的驱动下,沿深部被超压再次活化、开启形成的早期地质结构内的断裂或微裂隙,向上运移到上中新统黄流组岩性圈闭群中聚集成藏,具有"烃源岩、大型砂质块体搬运沉积砂岩储层、优质深海泥岩封盖和断裂/微裂隙输导"四要素耦合控藏特征。指出深水区中中新统梅山组盆底扇构造-岩性圈闭群、南斜坡-凸起生物礁、古近系滨岸带陵水组断裂圈闭带等领域具备形成深水大气田的优越条件。 Recently important breakthrough has been made in discovery of natural gas in the deepwater areas of Qiongdongnan Basin. There are some disputes on understanding of natural gas accumulation in deepwater area. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct systematic study for gas genetic type, source, accumulation course and model. Our study shows that L17 natural gas is dominated by hydrocarbon gas, with low CO2 content. Carbon isotope features of hydrocarbon gas and carbon dioxide show that hydrocarbon gas is coal- type gas high maturation with organic origin. High contents of isoparaffinic and cycloparaffinic hydrocarbons in C6 and C7 components of gas lighter hydrocarbons indicate that the parent of natural gas was mainly from terrigenous higher plant. According to comprehensive analysis of maturation history of Eocene and Oligocene source rock, natural gas of L17 deepwater giant gas field was derived from the Oligocene Yacheng Formation. Large-scale confined mass transport deposit developed within the upper Miocene Huangliu Formation, forming favorable sandstone reservoir. High-density sandy mass transport deposit, which is sealed by neighboring abyssal mudstone and configurated by "west low and east high" structural framework, formed structural-lithological traps. Faults and microfaults of Paleogene structural layer served as migration pathways which communicated source rock and reservoir. Natural gas generating from early Oligocene Yacheng Formation migrated up to the Huangliu Formation structural-lithologic traps and accumulated, driven by pressure difference between source rock and reservoir. The natural gas accumulation model includes four key factors: Oligoeene Yacheng Formation source rock, large-scale sandy mass transport deposit reservoir, cap rock of abyssal mudstone and migration pathway composed of faults and microfaults. These four factors control natural gas accumulation jointly in the deepwater areas of Qiongdongnan Basin. Three favorable exploration trends presented in this study are middle-Miocene Meishan Formation basin floor fan lithological traps, south slope-uplift reefs, and Paleogene shore Lingshui Formation fault traps.
作者 张迎朝 徐新德 甘军 朱继田 郭潇潇 何小胡 ZHANG Yingzhao XU Xinde GAN Jun ZHU Jitian GUO Xiaoxiao HE Xiaohu(Research institution ,Zhanjiang Branch of CNOOC Ltd. , Zhanjiang , Guangdong , 52405)
出处 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第7期1620-1633,共14页 Acta Geologica Sinica
基金 国家重大科技专项"琼东南盆地深水区大中型气田形成条件与勘探关键技术"课题(编号2016ZX05026-02)资助成果
关键词 碳同位素 轻烃 天然气成因 成藏模式 勘探方向 深水区 琼东南盆地 carbon isotope lighter hydrocarbons origin of natural gas accumulation model exploration trend deepwater area Qiongdongnan basin
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