
130例万古霉素血清药物浓度检测与用药结果分析 被引量:1

130 cases of vancomycin serum drug concentration detection and the result analysis
摘要 目的:探讨万古霉素血清药物浓度检测方法,分析对于万古霉素临床应用的重要影响。方法:选取我院2013年9月~2015年12月收治的130例耐药革兰氏阳性菌感染患者作为研究对象,使用万古霉素进行治疗,通过对万古霉素血清药物浓度的检测,分析应用效果。结果:血清药物浓度为10~20μg/m L的万古霉素,治疗效果更为显著。万古霉素血清药物浓度越高,不良反应发生率越高。结论:通过万古霉素血清药物浓度检测,合理控制万古霉素的用药剂量,可以获得更好的治疗效果。 Objective: to investigate the vaneomyein serum drug concentration detection method and analyze its clinical application of vancomycin. Methods: From September 2013 to December 2015 admitted during the period of 130 patients with drug-resistant gram- positive bacteria infection as the research object, the use of vaneomyein treatment, through the detection of vancomycin serum drug concentrations, analyzes its practical application effect. Results: the serum drug concentrations of 10-20μg/mL of vaneomycin, its treatment effect is more significant. Vaneomyein serum drug concentration is higher, the incidence of adverse reactions also will increase. Conclusion: through the vaneomyein serum drug concentration detection, reasonable control the dosage of vancomyein, in order to obtain better treatment effect.
作者 刘华瑞 赵玲洁 刘晗 Liu Huarui Zhao Lingjie Liu Han(Henan Zhengzhou No.9 People Hospital 45005)
出处 《北方药学》 2017年第7期144-145,共2页 Journal of North Pharmacy
关键词 万古霉素 血清药物浓度检测 用药结果 Vancomycin Serum drug concentration detection Medical results
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