Microc ap su les have been widely used /n m e d ic in e , fo o d , cosme tics and daily necessities. E s pecial ly,the smar t degradable microcapsules which served as car r ier s for control led releas e of d ru g s , DNA,RNA and proteins have got more and more attent ion s . In th is p a p e r, a novell inking degradable polyelectrolyte microcapsule was prepared via layer -by- layer (LBL) method. MnCO3 micropar t icles and 3 , 3 ’-D i th io d ip ro p io n ic acid (DP A) w ere employed as tem p la te s and wall ma te r ia ls , re s pectively. The resul ts s how th a t th e m icro capsu les have u niform s h a p e : th e size is ap ji m while the wall thicknes s is 55. 25 nm. The SEM and AFM resul ts s how th a t th e m icro capsu les have mechanical st rength to some extent and occurred reversible deformation. The FTIR resul ts also indicate that the amino groups of PAH can par t ial ly cro s s -l in k w i th carb o x y g ro u p s of DPA in th e presen ce of EDC/NHS leading to th e fo rma t io n of s ta b le wa l ls of micro capsu les.
Journal of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University(Natural Sciences)
mic ro c a p su le
c o n tro l le d - re le a s e
temp la te me th o d
lay e r -b y - lay e r self-as sem b ly
reversible crosslinked