
“双一流”建设中高等体育院校的战略抉择及思考 被引量:8

The Strategic Choice and Thinking on Building Double First-class Sports Institutes
摘要 "双一流"建设,对于中国高等体育院校具有十分重要的意义。文章认为:"双一流"建设强调"绩效导向,公平竞争,动态支持",打破身份固化,为体育院校的体制改革、机制创新,"跻身世界一流"提供了政策支撑;强调"特色发展、差别化发展",为体育院校进一步办出特色,引领行业水平提升和区域经济社会事业发展指明了方向;强调"国际竞争力",为体育院校通过国际体育舞台展示中国形象、传播中国声音,提升学校的国际影响力和世界关注度提供了机遇。对照"双一流"建设内在要求,文章提出:我国体育院校应当坚持"特色发展",科学谋划顶层设计,推进综合改革落到实处;坚持"扎根地方",主动融入区域发展,推进服务地方经济社会能力的全面提升;坚持"行业引领",积极对标国家重大发展战略,推进"主导"国家体育事业的能力和水平的全面攀升;坚持"对话国际",积极提供科技服务和人才、智力支撑,努力搭建展示中国形象、传播中国主张的平台,提升行业话语权;坚持"改革创新",以"一流"的标准不断激发内生动力和活力,推进学校内部治理体系和能力现代化水平的不断提升。 Building " double first - class" universitiesis of great significance to sports institutes in China. " Double first -class” construction emphasizes " performance - oriented, fair competition,dynamic support” ,and breaks through identity solidification and provides supporting policy for sports institutes to conduct system reform and mechanism innovation and to becomeworld first - class institutes. It emphasizes ” development with unique characteristics and differentiated development” and guides the direction for sports institutes to develop their own characteristics and lead industry development and the development of regional economics and social affairs. It emphasizes ” international competition” , highlights the leading role and provides opportunities for institutes to show Chinese images, communicate Chinese voice, enhance their international influence, and draws world attention. In the ” double first - class” construction process, sports institutes should adhere to the principle of ” development with unique characteristics and differentiated development” , and scientifically plan on top - level design, and carry out comprehensive reform in practical way; they should adhere to the principle of ” rooted in local areas” , and take the initiative to integrate into regional development, and promote the overall development of local economy and social service capacity; they should adhere to the principle of ” leading industry” , and actively target national major development strategies to promote the ability and level of national dominant sports career in a comprehensive way; they should adhere to the principle of ” international dialogue” , and actively provide scientific and technological services, talents and intellectual support, and strive to build a platform to display Chinese images, transmitChinese proposals and improvetheir discourse power in sports field; they should adhere to the principle of ” reform and innovation”,and constantly stimulate endogenous power and vitality according to the” first - class” standard and upgrade their internal management system and modernization of ability.
作者 刘青 周玉蓉
出处 《成都体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期1-7,共7页 Journal of Chengdu Sport University
关键词 体育院校 “双一流”建设 战略抉择 高等教育 sports institutes "double first - classn" construction strategic choice higher education
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