
新世纪以来国内公共图书馆总分馆建设回顾与思考 被引量:49

The Construction of General and Branch Libraries in China Since the 21st Century
摘要 新世纪以来的总分馆建设,加快了公共图书馆服务的均等化进程,其发展历程可分为三个阶段:第一阶段(2000-2006年),力图解决政府主导、通借通还、技术支撑、统一管理等问题;第二阶段(2007-2010年),部分总分馆通过专业化改造,规模扩大,效益显著,理论研究上揭示了总分馆建设的客观规律;第三阶段(2011年至今),实践上参与"创建国家公共文化服务示范区"活动,学术研究围绕总分馆可持续发展的各项因素展开,并直接推动了《关于推进县级文化馆图书馆总分馆制建设的指导意见》的出台。本文针对"指导意见",围绕总分馆建设进入新的发展阶段的实际,提出几个需要特别关注的问题:一是正确理解和处理因地制宜与客观规律之间的关系,总分馆建设需要寻找绕开体制障碍以使其尽可能符合客观规律的思路和设计;二是回答开展县级总分馆建设的问题;三是提供普遍均等服务,完成公共图书馆使命需要建设实体分馆,新服务形态只能作为总分馆的有机组成部分和有效补充;四是开展"图书馆+"服务创新要符合公共图书馆的服务理念,防止出现服务门槛。 The process of the construction of general and branch libraries is the most spectacular professional history of innovation and development during the great developing period of the public library in our country. The construction of general and branch libraries is faced with current institutional barriers. Library professionals have driven the general and branch libraries from practice to national policy by innovating, exploring, researching, summarizing, improving and publicizing, and have made a significant contribution to Chinese culture. The development of general and branch libraries has three stages, which have clear boundaries and characteristics respectively formed by one or a few landmark events. In the first stage, libraries tried to solve problems in practice of government-leading, unified loan and return, technical support, centralized management. And studies mainly introduced libraries' practices without summarizing, comparing, analyzing and concluding. In the second stage, some libraries improved and reformed the construction of general and branch libraries. They expanded the scale steadily and got obvious benefits, which aroused public attention.Some libraries didn't develop well in the construction of general and branch libraries, and quite a few libraries felt hard to continue. There was great progress in studies, which solved many theoretical problems and revealed objective laws of construction of general and branch libraries. These rich research achievements not only guided the construction and improvement of general and branch libraries but also aroused significant attention of national cultural authorities. In the third stage, libraries actively participated in Creating National Level Demonstration Zones of Public Cultural Services initiated by Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Finance. Systems designing and studying helped corresponding regions establish local laws and regulations to start to build general and branch libraries, or transform the existing ones into the government-led ones. In this phase, researches emphasized resolving deep level and difficult problems, analyzing and studying various factors which are benefiting to realizing the constant development of construction of general and branch libraries from multiple perspectives. These practices and studies directly resulted in Instruction on Promoting the Construction of County General and Branch Libraries and Culture Centers made by five ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Culture. This document will make the construction of general and branch libraries enter a new developing phase. Under this environment, this paper discusses these practices and researches and analyzes new conditions, and puts forward on several issues that should be paid close attention to on the construction of general and branch libraries. First, correctly understanding and conducting the relationship between local conditions and professional requirements. Adjusting measures to local conditions does not mean confined by regime blindly, accordingly insisting on professional requirements is not opposite to regime. The construction of general and branch libraries needs thoughts and designs, which can help libraries bypass institutional barrier to build general and branch libraries in line with professional requirements. Second, this study responds to the problems of carrying out the construction of county general and branch libraries. The aim is to make county libraries stronger and make public library service cover the countryside, which can realize the true universal and equal service and move up the main body of construction to county governments. Third, providing universal and equal service and fulfilling missions of the public library need building physical branch libraries. Some new services are organic parts and effective supplement of general and branch libraries, but not the replacement. Fourth, the service innovation of Library + should be incorporated into the construction of general and branch libraries. The design of services should conform to public library service concepts and not generate threshold, which serves the minority other than ordinary citizens. 2 tabs. 30 refs.
作者 邱冠华 QIU Guanhua
出处 《中国图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期18-31,共14页 Journal of Library Science in China
关键词 公共图书馆 总分馆 县域“图书馆+” Public library. General and branch libraries. County territory. Library+.
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