

Surgical Treatment of Pterygium With Limbal Stem Cell Transplantation and Analysis of the causes of Postoperative Recurrence
摘要 目的探讨翼状胬肉患者行角膜缘肝细胞移植术的疗效,总结术后复发的原因,提出应对方法。方法选取2014年1月—2016年1月于我我院就诊的翼状胬肉患者共150例(120眼)。回顾性分析患者行角膜缘肝细胞移植术的临床资料,对术后随访3个月、4个月、5个月的复发率进行比较分析,总结复发原因。结果 150例(120眼)均手术治愈,治愈率达到100%;术后3个月复发3例(3眼),复发率为2.0%;术后4个月5例(6眼),复发率为3.33%;术后5个月8例(10眼),复发率为5.33%。结论翼状胬肉患者行角膜缘肝细胞移植术的疗效显著,术后复发率也较低。但术后复发一直是困扰临床的一个重要话题,在实践操作中,应该术中规范操作,合理使用类固醇等,以积极的措施降低术后复发率问题。 Objective To investigate the effect of limbal stem cell transplantation in patients with pterygium, and summarize the causes of postoperative recurrence. Methods A total of 150 patients (120 eyes) with pterygium treated in our hospital from January 2014 to January 2016 were selected, the clinical data of corneal limbal liver cell transplantation were retrospectively analyzed, recurrence rates of 3 months, 4 months and 5 months after operation were compared and analyzed, and the causes of recurrence were summarized. Results 150 cases (120 eyes) were cured, and the cure rate was 100%; 3 cases recurred (3 eyes) at 3 months after operation, and the recurrence rate was 2%; recurrence rate was 3.33% in 5 eyes (6 eyes) at 4 months after operation; recurrence rate was 5.33% in 8 eyes (10 eyes) at 5 months after operation. Conclusion Limbal stem cell transplantation for pterygium patients is effective, and the recurrence rate is low. However, postoperative recurrence has always been an important topic in clinical practice. In practice, it should be standardized operation, rational use of steroids, and so on, with positive measures to reduce the recurrence rate.
作者 孙居荣 SUN Jurong(Department of Ophthalmology, Guanyun Count), People's Hospital, Lianyungang Jiangsu 222200, Chin)
出处 《中国继续医学教育》 2017年第14期123-125,共3页 China Continuing Medical Education
关键词 角膜缘肝细胞移植术 翼状胬肉 术后复发 原因 limbal liver cell transplantation pterygium postoperative recurrence causes
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