RMB has experienced two cycles of depreciation since 1995. Being different from former two cycles, the depreciation of RMB in 2016 was not accompanied by a falling price, which shows that the dominant factor of this depreciation is external shocks like that FDR raises the interest rate, however, the impact does not spread to China5 s price. In the long term, RMB appreciation and inflation will co-exist, and the internal and external value of RMB will deviate. According to the data published by IMF and the World Bank, the degree of the global price rise is more than China5 s, which can explain this phenomenon to some extent. In the short term, the relationship between RMB real effective exchange rate index and the price level in China is unstable in the direction and fluctuated amplitude, sometimes both ascending and descending, or sometimes fluctuating in different directions, and the relationship is more complicated. Before the exchange rate reform in 2005, fluctuations in same directions were more ordinary. While after 2005, fluctua-tions in different directions have been more ordinary, and the exchange rate of RMB has been more sensitive to markets. Co-integration test finds that the price level, economic growth speed and foreign exchange reserves have significant effect on the exchange rate.
West China Finance
internal and external value of RMB
exchange rate fluctuation
co-integration test