
“盐池模式”能否引领中国农村金融扶贫潮流? 被引量:1

Can “Yanchi Model” lead China's Rural Financial Poverty Alleviation Trend
摘要 "盐池模式"是互助社资金、政府财政补贴、保险公司、金融机构以及政府政策上的共同支持,揭示了社会治理的新思路:多重角色互助参与社会治理。"盐池模式"的出现及发展过程表明,市场化并不能解决一切问题。市场化机制有自动筛选机制,或许是一部分人的市场化。良好的市场设计,才能为社会的良性发展服务。"盐池模式"属于金融市场设计成功探索,也对新自由主义经济学理论关于市场是一种超越文化、政治、社会历史过程的力量观点提出了挑战。 The "Yanchi Model" is the mutual support agency funds, government subsidies, insurance companies, financial institutions and government policy,which reveals a new idea of social governance. The multiple roles of mutual participation in social governance. The emergence and development of "Yanchi Model" show that marketization can not solve all problems. The market mechanism has an automatic screening mechanism,and perhaps a part of the market. Good market design can serve the benign development of the society. The "Yanchi Model" belongs to the successful exploration of the financial market design, and also challenges the new liberalism economic theory about the market as a strength that transcends the cultural,political and social historical process.
作者 李小云 刘向元 赖显 Li Xiaoyun Liu Xiangyuan Lai Xian(Engineering Department of Physics ,Academy of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100086)
出处 《宁夏党校学报》 2017年第4期87-92,共6页 Journal of the Party School of the CPC Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Committee
关键词 金融扶贫 盐池模式 互助资金 finaneial poverty alleviation "Yanchi Model" mutual funds
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