
现阶段中国国有经济定位与国有企业改革 被引量:9

China's Orientation of State-owned Economy and Reform of State-owned Enterprises at this Stage
摘要 相对于改革和发展而言,中国所处的现实背景表现为:(1)现在处在"四期叠加"阶段;(2)中国还没有走出经济增长低谷期;(3)处在正在崛起的关键和微妙阶段;(4)从中共十一届三中全会开始理论探索和实践,到十四大确定经济体制改革的目标:建立社会主义市场经济体制。我们应该理性认识现实背景、勿忘改革初心、审时度势,朝着既定的目标,对国有企业继续深化改革。"现实背景"昭示了现阶段中国国有经济的定位不能走向两个极端,必须合理和科学:既得有符合市场经济一般规律的存在空间,还得有符合中国特殊阶段性的特殊存在空间,即对一些竞争性却关系国计民生的领域必须有所控制。国有经济的现状是:覆盖面太广、与民争利和挤出民营资本、一定程度上滋养腐败、经营效率低下。现阶段国有企业改革的方向不能偏离建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制这个总目标。改革的重点内容或主要任务,依照逻辑和先后顺序分为:首先对现有的企业国有资产或有国有资产的企业进行科学分类,确定哪些该留下、哪些该退出;然后,国有资产该退出的坚决退出,相关的国有或国有控股企业改制或转让;最后才是必须保留的企业国有资产的管理体制改革和国有及国有控股企业的公司治理结构改革。改革的主要困难主要是:(1)最大的困难是利益集团的阻挠;(2)对国有和国有控股企业(包括各类平台公司、运营公司)坚持党的领导问题,在认识上有偏差。 As far as reform and development are concerned, the reahsnc backgrouna ot China is described as follows: (1)"four phase" overlapping; (2)China has not stepped out of the economic crisis; (3)at the critical and delicate stage of the rise; (4)from exploring the theory and practice at the third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee to determining the economic system reform goal at 14th party Congress: the establishment of the socialist market economic system. We should rationally understand the realistic background, cannot forget the initial mind of reform, size up the situation, and continue to deepen reform of state-owned enterprises towards the established goals. The "background" shows the orientation of the state-owned economy cannot go to two extremes. It must be reasonable and scientific. It should not only be consistent with the general rules of the market economy, but also with China's characteristics. The present state of the state-owned economy is mat me coverage is too with contend with the interests of the people and squeeze out private capital, to a certain extent, to nourish corruption and reduce the efficiency of operation. At this stage, the reform of state-owned enterprises should not deviate from the general obiective of establishing and improving the socialist market economic system. The key content of reform or the main task, which is in accordance with the logic sequence, has four aspects: first of all, make a scientific classification of state-owned assets of enterprises existing or state-owned assets of enterprises, determine which should be left, which should be withdraw; then, resolutely withdraw those state-owned assets which should be withdrawn, and restructuring or transfer the state-owned or state-owned enterprise; the last is the reform of the management system of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises corporate governance structure reform. There are also difficulties to conduct the reform. The biggest difficulty is the sabotage of the interest groups. Second, on the question whether it should adhere to the leadership of the party in state-owned enterprises, there is deviation in the understanding,
作者 黄少安
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第7期35-44,共10页 Academic Monthly
关键词 国企改革 现实背景 国有经济定位 重点和难点 reform of state-owned enterprises, realistic background, orientation of state-owned economy,key points and difficulties
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