
佛教与明代宁远卫地方社会——以觉华岛《重修大悲阁记》为中心 被引量:1

Buddhism and the Local Society of Ningyuan Garrison in the Ming——Revolving around the Inscription of Rebuilding the Great Mercy Storied-Pavilion in Juehua Island
摘要 通过解析觉华岛《重修大悲阁记》,可揭示出明代觉华岛的地理概况,宁远卫地区的宗教信仰与世俗社会,以及隐藏在这方碑刻背后的权力幽灵。明代觉华岛不仅为战略要地,还是宁远卫官兵的信仰空间。岛上的大悲阁供奉密教神祇千手千眼观世音菩萨,其依据是杂密经典《千手千眼观世音菩萨广大圆满无碍大悲心陀罗尼经》。此经宣扬的免除15种恶死、得15种善生、破除一切怨敌的功能对宁远卫将士具有巨大的吸引力。《重修大悲阁记》还隐晦地折射出明朝中期中央政局的变迁及其对宁远卫的影响。碑文作者受当时政治气氛的影响,精心选择宁远卫军政长官焦礼的生平事迹进行叙述,"合理"安排详略、分配笔墨,还借此表达拥护现任皇帝明英宗的政治姿态。 Through analyzing the inscription of rebuilding the Great Mercy Storied - Pavilion in Juehua Island, the thesis discov- ers the7 geography survey of Juehua Island in the Ming Dynasty, religion and secular society in Ningyuan Garrison, and power ghost hiding this inscription. Juehua Island in the Ming Dynasty was not only a strategic location, but also commanders and troops' belief space in Ningyuan Garrison. The Great Mercy Storied - Pavilion in this Island was dedicated to Esoteric Buddhist god - Avalokitesvara having thousand hands and thousand eyes, according to a Complex Esoteric Buddhist scripture - the Dharani classic on Avalokitesvara having thousand hands and thousand eyes being vast, perfect, unimpeded and maim karuna. The scripture publicizes 15 ways to ex- empt crime death, 15 methods to pursue good life, and the function of abolishing all enemies, which could greatly attract officers and men in this district. Still more, this inscription vaguely reflected central political situation vicissitude and its influence on Ningyuan Garrison in the Middle Ming Dynasty. The writer of this inscription, affected by political climate at that time, carefully selected and narrated the commanding officer in Ningyuan Garrison - Jiao Li ' s life story. He reasonably arranged detailed and brief contents, and allocated words. However, he conveyed the commanding officer' political posturing of supporting incumbent emperor - Ming Yingzong by means of writing this inscription.
作者 尤李
出处 《北方论丛》 北大核心 2017年第4期110-117,共8页 The Northern Forum
基金 楼宇烈先生主持"觉华岛佛教历史与文化"项目阶段性成果 纳通医疗集团 辽宁省葫芦岛市政府 觉华岛旅游度假区管委会的大力支持
关键词 觉华岛 宁远卫 焦礼 重修大悲阁记 密教 Juehua Island Ningyuan Garrison Jiao Li The Inscription of Rebuilding the Great Mercy Storied - Pavilion Eso- teric Buddhism
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