

The effect of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation on cardiac structure and function during pregnancy
摘要 目的探讨控制性超促排卵对整个孕期母体心脏结构和功能的影响。方法 2014年1月~2014年12月共150名孕妇,其中人工助孕组共100例(鲜胚组和冻融组各50例),自然妊娠孕妇(正常组)50例,收集早孕与晚孕期心脏结构与功能相关数据。结果各组内比较,孕晚期孕妇舒张压较早孕稍降低、脉压差增大(P>0.05),但差异无统计学意义。右房内径、右室内径增宽,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。孕晚期心率较于孕早期三组均增加,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。研究提示,三组间各项测量指标均无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论体外受精-胚胎移植控制性超促排卵,短时间内超生理状态的甾体激素水平,以及冻融胚胎移植对于母体孕晚期的心脏结构及功能,并未造成不良影响。 Objective: To study the variation of maternal cardiac structure and function for controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation (COH) pregnant women throughout the pregnancy. Methods: From January 2014 to December 2014, the data of maternal cardiac structure and function of 150 pregnant women who include 50 cases of fresh embryos transfer, 50 cases of freeze-thaw transfer, and 50 cases of normal pregnancy women were collected. Results: The comparison between within the each group, later pregnant trimester has lower diastolic blood pressure, greater pulse pressure difference than the first trimester, there was no statistically significant difference (P〉0.05) , but has wider right atrium and left ventricular interior diameter, the difference was statistically significant (P〈 0.05) . Heart rate of three groups increased in the later pregnant trimester, there was no statistically significant difference (P〉0.05) . Between groups, the measurement indexes were no statistical difference (P〉 0.05) . Conclusion: The COH that the state of the steroid hormone levels was increased in a short period of time, and the freezing and thawing embryo transplantation didi not have a negative effect to maternal cardiac structure and function of later pregnant trimester women.
出处 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2017年第7期107-109,共3页 Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
关键词 控制性超促排卵 体外胚胎移植 心脏结构 心脏功能 COH IVF-ET Cardiac structure Cardiac function
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