

Separation Dynamics of a Multistage Launch Vehicle Considering Parameter Uncertainty
摘要 多级火箭的级间分离过程中具有不确定性的箭体模型参数(如质量特性、初始条件、分离机构参数等),外激励可能的偏心对箭体载荷的准确分析具有重要影响。为了考虑在这种不确定性下的任意组合条件下的箭体响应特性,在结构载荷分析中,本文结合Monte Carlo技术,研究了在冷、热两种级间分离方式下,推力偏心量的不确定性和分离过程中的质量时变性对箭体响应的影响。通过Monte Carlo模拟,预测分离参数具有不确定性下的响应统计结果,以评估工程实际中的不同分离方式下的负载情形。 The difficulty in dynamics analysis of stage separation lies not only in the uncertainty ot model parameters (mass propernes, initial conditions, separation mechanism parameters, etc.), but also the uncertainty of the thrust eccentric. In order to account for the randomness response characteristics of the multistage launch vehicle under multiple uncertainty conditions, Monte Carlo technique was employed in the stage separation analysis. This paper studied how the uncertainty of the amount of thrust eccentricity and separation process quality variability affect the dynamics response of the multistage launch vehicle under both cold separation and hot separation conditions of multistage launch vehicles. Through Monte Carlo simulation, this paper forecasts separation parameters response statistical results under uncertainty to assess the actual load situation in the different projects under separate ways.
作者 熊旭军
出处 《科技视界》 2017年第8期4-7,共4页 Science & Technology Vision
关键词 火箭载荷计算 热分离 冷分离 参数不确定性 蒙特卡洛 Rocket dynamics analysis Hot separation Cold separation Parameter uncertainty Monte Carlo
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