重点介绍了被ATSC 3.0采纳并成为其最终标准的下一代广播电视音频标准——MPEG-H电视音频系统,阐述该标准的技术特征及其在下一代广播电视标准应用中的核心性能;阐述MPEG-H在ATSC 3.0标准发展过程中的大事记,以及对下一代电视音频标准商业推广的相关思考。
The article introduces the major features of the MPEG-H TV Audio System and its core elements. The MPEG-H TV Audio system has been adopted and fully specified in the ATSC 310 Digital Television standard. The article also describes the major steps in the process of the standardization and, necessary considerations regarding the commercial roll out of the next generation TV standard.
Information Technology & Standardization