
北方草原生态安全与绿色产业基地的发展 被引量:6

The Ecological Security and Agricultural Development of the Grasslands in Northern China
摘要 今年是内蒙古大学建校60周年,回顾60年前跟随恩师李继侗先生来到内蒙古呼伦贝尔草原从事草原生态学工作,有幸同草原上的农牧民亲历了最华美的草原风光,领悟到草原的资源价值和环境功能是不可取代的.我国北方草原是人民生存和经济社会发展的基本生产资料,是北方各民族发展的文化摇篮,是生态安全的根本保障,是北国疆土的生态瑰宝.国务院发布的文件中明确规定了草原地区在今后发展中的"战略定位"首先是"我国北方重要生态安全屏障",要求全面实施生态保护与建设规划,建成人与自然和谐发展的国家生态安全地带.二是"国家重要能源基地和绿色农畜产品生产加工基地,也是新型化工基地和有色金属工业基地".北方草原地带的景观生态多样性与资源禀赋,使草原生态-产业-文化复合系统可以发挥环境-资源-经济-文化-社会的耦合效应及多项功能.但是,长期以来对草原生态系统的整体功能缺乏完整的理解,特别是草原的巨大环境效益和潜在的能量与物质资源常常被人们所忽略.草原在"一带一路"中的沿边地理区位、草原生物多样性、光能风能资源和人文社会资源都是在草原构建新型产业基地的巨大优势.因此,一定要总结历史经验,发扬草原文化的精髓,走向草原发展的科学创新之路.要因地制宜地治理草原退化,实行休牧与轮牧,实现草原的更新复壮.也要进行草原水资源的科学配置,开发适宜的土地,建设节水的人工草地与饲料地.还要强化草原法制管理,建立草原保育及生态补助的激励机制.总之,要发挥系统耦合效应,构建草原新型绿色产业体系.我们认为,完善对草原生态建设投资的优化管理体制,切实依靠科学技术,严格遵循自然与经济规律,草原地区实行"调整结构,转变方式,休牧轮牧,建设草地,夏牧冬饲,异地育肥,增加投入,集约经营,改善管理,确保安全,系统开放,持续发展"的模式,在发展农牧产业和建立新型产业体系的同时,保护好草原生态安全的目标是指日可以实现的. The vast steppe grasslands provide the beautiful scenery, ecological security and rich resources for human survival and socio-economic development. They are the cradle of the cultures in northern China and the ecological treasure of the northern territory. Recently, the strategic position of grasslands in Northern China has been addressed by the State Council of China, firstly, as "the important barrier for ecological security of Northern China", requiring the full implementation of the policies and planning for ecological protection and construction, to build a national zone of ecological security to support the harmonious development between man- kind and nature ; secondly, as "the nationally key energy base, new chemical industry base, non-ferrous metals industry base and the base for production and processing of green pastoral agricultural products". The diverse landscapes and the abundant resources in the northern grassland regions constitute a complex system with the grasslands-based environment,industry and culture, that allows the full play of the multi-functioning of grasslands in environment protection,resources use,and social-economic and cultural development. But,in past decades," grassland animal husbandry" had become the dominant usage of the grassland. People who lived on the grasslands lacked full understanding of the integral functions of the grassland ecosystem, especially the huge environmental benefits of the grasslands. We must learn from the historical experiences, promote the essence of grassland culture, and develop the grasslands in a scientific and innovative way. We must manage grassland degradation according to the local conditions, carry out rotation-grazing and grazing-rest, to meet the needs of grassland reiuvenation. We must keep scientific usage of water resources in the grassland region and take advantages of water-saving technologies, to improve forage production in suitable land areas. We must strengthen the legal administration of the grassland, build an incentive mechanism for grassland conservation. In a word, we must take full use of coupling effect of the grassland system to develop a new pastoral agricultural system. We believe that, we should optimize the management system for ecological construction investment,rely on science and technology, and strictly follow the laws of nature and economics. In the grassland areas,herdsmen should implement the model of grassland management that combines " structural adjustment, changing the ways of grazing,applying rotational grazing, constructing forage production land, grazing in summer and feeding in winter, fattening over different regions, increasing economic input, encouraging intensive operation, improving management, ensuring safety, keeping an open system, and encouraging sustainable development". We can develop the pastoral agriculture and animal husbandry,and at the same time protect the grassland ecosystems.
作者 刘钟龄 LIU Zhong-ling(School of Ecology and Environment, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010021 ,China)
出处 《内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第4期362-371,共10页 Journal of Inner Mongolia University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 北方草原 生态安全 资源与环境 草原文化 草地农牧业 grasslands in northern China ecological security resource and environment grass-land civilization pastoral agriculture and animal husbandry
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