
南京市企业职工身体活动状况的调查研究 被引量:1

Investigation on Physical Activities of Enterprise Workers in Nanjing
摘要 通过身体活动问卷(CPAQ)对南京市企业职工身体活动状况的调查,分析南京市企业职工的性别、年龄、工种、活动量分布状况等特征。研究结果发现,南京市企业男性职工身体活动水平评价为不足、中等、高的比例分别是10.3%、26.9%、62.8%,女性是11%、42%、47%;一线生产工身体活动水平高的比例显著大于二线行政管理和三线后勤保障者(p<0.001);男性身体活动水平显著高于女性(p<0.001);男性身体活动水平在20~29岁较高,女性在50~54岁组较高,同在35~39岁组较低;体力活动强度以中等强度活动为主,总活动量主要由中、低强度构成,重体力活动几乎没有;工作和闲暇活动是主要的体力活动形式,男性工作、交通活动显著高于女性(p<0.05),而家务活动量显著低于女性(p<0.05)。 Through investigation on physical activities of enterprise workers in Nanjing with international physical activity questionnaire ( CPAQ), analysis their characteristics of gender, age, type of work and physical activities. The results found that physical activity level of male worker is 10. 3% insufficient,26. 9% medium,62.8% high;female were 11% , 42% , 47% ; The first-line production workers of the high level of physical activity greater than the second line of administrative management and three line logistics guarantor(p 〈 0. 001 ) ;The men of physical activities is higher than women( p 〈 0. 001 ) ;The physical activity is higher on 20 -29 years old men and 50 -54 years old women;The physical activity is lower on 35 -39 years old women;Intensity of physical activity is mainly moderate, Total activity mainly consists of middle and low intensity, heavy physical activity had little;Work and leisure activities is the main type of physical activity, men of work and traffic is significantly higher intensity than women( p 〈 0.05 ), while the housework is significantly lower intensity than the women ( p 〈 0.05 ).
作者 徐岩
出处 《南京体育学院学报(自然科学版)》 2017年第3期48-52,共5页 Joournal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education:Natural Science
关键词 企业职工 身体活动 体力活动问卷 enterprise workers physical activity CPAQ
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