

Improvement on rubber suspension equalizing beam ball-joint for heavy truck
摘要 针对某重卡在行驶过程中出现的橡胶悬架均衡梁球铰轴向滑移脱出问题,对原橡胶悬架均衡梁球铰从结构上进行了改进,并将弹性材料由橡胶优化为聚氨酯。在台架试验台上,对改进前与改进后的均衡梁球铰垂向刚度和轴向刚度分别进行了试验,提取了改进前后均衡梁球铰的垂向刚度、轴向刚度试验值。同时结合ABAQUS有限元分析平台,建立了有限元分析模型,提出了利用非线性有限元法进行模拟分析的方法。通过模拟台架试验过程,对改进前、后的均衡梁球铰垂向刚度、轴向刚度有限元分析结果进行了评价。研究结果表明:将有限元分析结果与试验值进行了分析对比,两者最大差值为3.55%,有限元分析结果与试验值基本一致。改进后的均衡梁球铰在垂向刚度允许变化范围内,轴向刚度提升了约11.5倍。 Aiming at the axial slide-out problem that appeared when the equalizing beam ball-joint of the rubber suspension was applied in a heavy truck driving,the structure of the original equalizing beam ball-joint was improved,and the elastic material was optimized from rubber to polyurethane. Experimental study on the vertical stiffness and axial stiffness of the original and the improved equalizing beam ball-joint were carried out on the bench test rig,the experimental values of the vertical stiffness and axial stiffness of the equalizing beam ball-joint were obtained. At the same time,the finite element analysis model was established based on the ABAQUS finite element analysis platform,and a method of nonlinear finite element analysis method was presented. Then the finite element analysis values of the vertical stiffness and axial stiffness about the original and the improved equalizing beam ball-joint were evaluated through the simulation of the bench test process. The results indicate that the element analysis results are compared with the experimental values,and the maximum difference between them is 3.55%,and the finite element analysis results are in good agreement with the experimental values. The improved equalizing beam ball-joint's vertical stiffness changes in permissible range,and the axial stiffness increases by about 11. 5 times.
出处 《机电工程》 CAS 2017年第7期719-724,762,共7页 Journal of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering
关键词 橡胶悬架 球铰 滑移脱出 有限元 刚度 rubber suspension ball-joint slide-out finite element method(FEM) stiffness
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