皖江经济区南陵县是我国商品粮生产基地之一,该区农田表层土壤中重金属元素潜在生态风险效应研究对于提高粮食安全具有重要意义。文章以南陵县基本农田区作为主要研究区,按土地质量地球化学调查评价要求,布设和采集了0~20 cm深度的表层土壤样品500组,分别监测了土壤中Cd、Pb、Cr、Hg、As、Cu、Fe、Mn和Zn等重金属含量现状,并采用地质累积指数法和潜在生态风险指数法量化解析了这些重金属在土壤中的潜在生态风险效应。结果表明:(1)土壤中除了Cr元素,其余重金属元素都不同程度存在异常;(2)局部土壤中Cd、Hg和Fe等元素含量存在异常,平均含量分别是所在区域背景值的1.92,1.95,7.13倍,存在潜在生态风险的影响;(3)土壤中重金属元素的潜在生态风险值(平均RI值)为164.5,Cd和Hg元素为主要影响元素。
Basic farmland plays an important role in grain quality and security. Research on the potential ecological risk of farmland top-soil of heavy metals is of great guiding significance for increasing grain yield and security. Based on the assessment standard of the soil quality geo-chemical survey, this article selects the basic farmland in Nanling county in Anhui as the main study area, and a total of 500 top-soil samples (depth of 0 ~ 20 cm) are collected. By using the methods of geo-accumulation index and potential ecological risk index, the potential effects of heavy metals in the top-soil of Nanling farmland are examined. The results show that ( 1 ) there is no pollution of the heavy metal element Cr in the top-soil, however, the rest of heavy metals occur harmful effects in varying degrees; (2) the contents of heavy metals Cd, Hg and Fe exist regional abnormal in top-soil and mean. concentration of these heavy metals are more than the geo-chemical background value of Nanling county 1.92, 1.95 and 7.13 times, respectively, which carries potential risk for the grain quality and security; (3) the mean RI value is 164.5, indicating that the Nanling farmland sufferes from a moderate-level potential ecological risk and the principle heavy metals element are Cd and Hg.
Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology