
云存储系统中基于动态规划的最小开销数据副本布局研究 被引量:5

Research on Minimum Cost Data Replica Distribution Based on Dynamic Planning in Cloud Storage System
摘要 传统的副本布局策略较少考虑数据传输开销,且对网络结构有所限定,导致通用性不足。为此,基于动态规划方法,以最小化数据管理开销为目标,提出一种云存储系统中最小开销数据副本布局策略。在数据管理综合开销模型的基础上,比较数据中心放置与不放置副本2种情况下的开销,从而确定副本位置。实验结果表明,该策略能够实现副本的合理分布,在有效降低数据管理开销的同时,可减少平均响应时间与网络传输量,提升云存储系统性能。 Traditional replicas distribution strategies consider less data transmission cost and constrainsd network structure lack of universality,a minimum cost of replicas distribution strategy using dynamic planning technology is put up to minimize the overhead of data management in the cloud storage system. It presents a comprehensive data management model including data storage,transmission and the update cost,compares their values and chooses the one with lower cost for replica placement. Experimental results showthat the strategy can realize reasonable distribution of replica from global minimum cost view,which can reduce the overall data management cost,and effectively reduce the network transmission and the average response time,and therefore promote the development of cloud storage system.
作者 吴修国
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第7期29-37,共9页 Computer Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(61571272) 山东省泰山学者工程专项经费 山东省自然科学基金(ZR2016FM01) 济南市高校自主创新计划项目(201303015)
关键词 云存储系统 副本管理 最小开销 动态规划 副本布局 cloud storage system replica management minimum cost dynamic planning replica distribution
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