
清初韵书《音韵清浊鉴》等韵图之解疑 被引量:2

Disambiguation on the Rhyme Tables in Yin Yun Qing Zhuo Jian in the Rhyming Dictionary of Qing Dynasty
摘要 清初韵书《音韵清浊鉴》是一部具有较强等韵化色彩的北音系韵书,在一定程度上能够透视出17世纪末、18世纪初今北京一带的声韵调状况。大概因其成书的复杂和守旧性,加上《四库提要》对该书的讥讽,使得学界对其研究一直不多。作者王祚祯积耗多年心血,精心编著的这部韵书未想反受诸如《四库提要》"窜改他人之作"之类的抨击,这对王氏实在有失公允。为重新给该书一个正确的评价,我们应该首先拨开蒙在它之上的层层迷纱,抽绎剖析,还其真实原貌。我们重点放在倍受人訾议的等韵图上。王氏深明等韵之理,为编著这样一部助人审音辨韵的"正音"性字书,他择菁取华,秉承旧切,寻找并选用最佳"媒介"《经史正音切韵指南》,并作适当调整。这种匠心独运的安排,看起来虽有"抄袭"之嫌,但绝无"抄袭"之质。 Yin Yun Qing Zhuo Jian in the rhyming dictionary of the early Qing dynasty is considered as a book about the northern phonetic system with strong divisions of rhyme, to some extent, it can reveal the phonologi- cal system in the late 17th century and the early 18th century in Beijing. Most probably because of its complexi- ty and conservatism, along with the sarcasm in Summary of Si Ku Quan Shu, very few studies have been con- ducted in the academic circles. Wang Zuo-zhen devoted many years' time and energy to compiling this book, nevertheless, he never thought that he was attacked by charging him with falsifying others' works, which was really unfair to him. In order to give this book a correct evaluation, doubts about it should be shaken off to re- store its truth, with focus laid on the much criticized rhyme tables. Wang Zuo-zhen gained deep insight into the divisions of rhyme theory, he made his utmost effort to be in a hot pursuit of seeking after the best and made proper adjustments on Jing Shi Zheng Yin Qie Yun Zhi Nan so as to help to examine sounds and differen- tiate different rhymes. Even his elaboration and ingenuity seemed skeptical of plagiarizing, but it couldn't be true in nature.
作者 宋峰
机构地区 南京大学文学院
出处 《唐都学刊》 2017年第4期80-85,共6页 Tangdu Journal
关键词 《音韵清浊鉴》 《经史正音切韵指南》 等韵理念 学术创新 Yin Yun Qing Zhuo Jian Jing Shi Zheng Yin Qie Yun Zhi Nan rhyme theory academic innova- tion
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