
中印边界问题的前世今生与中国的和平发展 被引量:3

The Sino-Indian Border Issue and China's Peaceful Development
摘要 决定中国和平发展国际成本的主要有两个国家,即亚洲大陆之外的美国和大陆之内的印度。棘手、复杂的中印边界问题,对于中国的健康发展具有极其重要的影响。自20世纪50年代以来,中印对于英国统治印度时期遗留下来的边界问题的态度和处理方法,在很大程度上决定着这两个世界上人口最多的国家间关系的发展。妥善应对这一挑战,不仅是亚洲大陆乃至整个亚洲和平发展的重要前提和保证,也关系到中国倡导的"一带一路"战略的进程。因此,把边界问题的过去、现状以及与此相关的问题梳理清楚实属必要。近年来印度外交日趋灵活,力图"实""势"兼谋,博取更大利益,这对我国来讲既是挑战,也是机遇。我们应抓住各种有利时机,排除干扰,在继续有效管控边界问题的同时,积极争取推动中印关系全面发展,为中国的和平发展营造良好的外部环境。 It seems that there are two major international factors that would decide the cost of China's peaceful development. One is the USA, outside the Asian continent, and the other is India, within the continent. The difficult and complicated Sino-Indian border issue has very significant impact on China's healthy development. Since the mid-1950 s, their attitudes toward the Sino-Indian border issue, left over by the British domination of India, have largely been the dominant factors affecting the relations between China and India, the world's two most populous countries. Meeting this challenge appropriately would be an important premise and guarantee not only to Asia's peaceful development, but also to the progress of the "Belt and Road Initiatives" strategy proposed by China. Hence, it is necessary to map out the past and present of the border issue and the related questions. In recent years, India's foreign policy looks like more flexible,aiming to gain both power and influence, so as to benefit their national interest. For China, it is both a challenge and an opportunity. It is high time for China to seize various optimal openings and push aside interferences while putting the border issue under control, and to promote the development of the all-round Sino-Indian relations in order to create a comfortable environment for its peaceful development.
作者 孟庆龙
出处 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期108-117,共10页 Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"中英美印俄五国有关中印边界问题解密档案文献整理与研究"(12&ZD189)
关键词 中印边界问题 中国 印度 和平发展 Sino-Indian Border Issue China India peaceful development
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