
粗糙地面与上方多目标的复合电磁散射FDTD研究 被引量:1

Study on Composite Electromagnetic Scattering from Multi Targets Above Rough Land Surface Using FDTD
摘要 采用指数型粗糙面模拟实际的粗糙地面,利用四成分模型模拟土壤介电常数,运用时域有限差分方法研究了一维有耗粗糙地面与上方多目标的复合电磁散射问题.通过数值计算得到了双站复合电磁散射系数随散射角的变化曲线,详细讨论了双站复合散射系数随粗糙地面高度起伏均方根、相关长度、土壤湿度、目标参数等的变化规律,得到了一维有耗粗糙地面与上方多目标的复合电磁散射特性. The natural rough soil surface is simulated by exponential type distribution rough surface,the dielectric constant of the soil is calculated by the four-component models one dimensional lossy rough soil surface and multiple argets composite electromagnetic scattering is studied using the FDTD. The curves of the bistatic composite electromagnetic scattering coefficients with the scattering angles is obtained by numerical calculation. The variation aws of the bistatic composite electromagnetic scattering coefficients from the soil surface with the root-mean-square of height fluctuation and correlation length,the moisture capacity of soil,target parameters are discussed in detail. The composite electromagnetic scattering characteristics of multi targets above one dimensional lossy rough soil surface are obtained.
作者 朱小敏 李涛
出处 《河南科学》 2017年第7期1047-1051,共5页 Henan Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61379026) 复旦大学电磁波信息科学教育部重点实验室开放基金项目(EMW201502) 延安市科学研究计划项目(2014ZC-4) 国家级大学生创新创业训练项目(201410719019)
关键词 复合电磁散射 指数型粗糙地面 时域有限差分方法 多目标 composite electromagnetic scattering exponential type distribution rough soil surface FDTD multiple targets
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