目的了解某院儿科门诊抗菌药物使用情况,为儿科合理使用抗菌药物提供参考。方法抽取2017年1月—3月儿科门诊处方1 087张,对使用抗菌药物的处方进行分析评价。结果儿科门诊抗菌药物的使用率为47.01%,不合理处方占抗菌药物处方的21.92%,主要表现为β-内酰胺类药物给药剂量和频次不合理、阿奇霉素剂型选择不当。口服、静脉滴注给药分别占33.66%、66.34%。抗菌药物处方以一联用药为主,占96.67%,药物选择以阿莫西林克拉维酸钾为主,占63.56%;二联处方占抗菌药物处方的3.33%,均为β-内酰胺类联合大环内酯类。结论某院儿科门诊抗菌药物使用基本合理,但仍存在不合理使用情况,需不断改进和规范。
Objective To analyze and evaluate the antibiotics application in pediatric clinic of hospital to provide reference for rational use of antibiotics in pediatrics. Methods A total of 1087 pediatric prescription in our hospital were se-lected from January to March in 2017. Moreover, the prescription of antibiotics were analyzed and evaluated. Results The application rate of the antibiotics in our hospital is 47. 01% in which irrational prescriptions accounted for 21. 92% , which mainly manifested as the irrational dosage and frequency of administration of medicine of beta lactam drugs and the inappropri-ate of dosage form Azithromycin. The oral medication and intravenous medication occupied 33. 66% and 66. 34% respective-ly. The joint use of antibiotics was based on one joint, which accounting for 96. 67% , whose drug selections based on amoxi-cillin and clavulanate potassium, accounting for 63. 56% ; Two joint prescriptions accounted for antibiotics prescription of 3. 33% , which drug selections were all beta lactam drugs joint with macrolides drugs. Conclusion The application of antibi-otics was basically rational in pediatrics clinic in our hospital ; However, unreasonable use of antibiotics still resists, which re-quires continuous improvement and specification.
Modern Hospitals
Prescriptions of Pediatrics Clinic
The Analysis of Antibiotics Application