

Meditation and Action:On the Fourth Type of Philosophical Wisdom in Thomé H. Fang's Framework of Philosophy
摘要 在当今世界,全球化与普遍性之趋势在逼迫着我们思索英国学者缪勒(M.Müller)对于宗教学的理解,并指向了人们对哲学的研究:只懂一种哲学,或许什么哲学都不懂。故而此项哲学工作之展开,势必要求人们具有恢弘的视野,既有遍览群籍、阐幽辨微的文献功夫;更要有壁立千仞、大开大阖的绝世天才,俾为人类生命的前途展布无穷之远景。在20世纪的中国学者群中,兼备这种使命与天才,并探赜索微、妙有深造者,方东美堪当之而无愧。在《哲学三慧》中,他对希腊、欧洲与中国等三类哲学智慧以极其凝练而高华的汉语赅摄,字字精要,句句透辟。惜乎缺少对古老的印度智慧之总摄。然方东美非无此一方面造论之雄心,他对印度哲学实有全面而系统的判断,并将它作为智慧架构中的"第四慧"呈现,可惜记录者多有语焉不详处。本论文便是以方东美所推重的"奥义书"与"世尊歌"精神为基本材料,分析其中所包蕴着印度文明特有的"实在"与"羯磨",或曰默观与行动的哲学思想,试着诠解方东美之哲学体系中幽而不明、引而未发的"第四慧"——功德慧。 Given the current trends of globalization and universalization in the world today, we are compelled to reflect upon Max MUller's view of the religious sciences pointing to the direction of philosophical studies; Either understanding only one particular type of philosophy or none at all. For the development of this kind of philosophical task, therefore, it is necessary that one should be possessed both of a broad vision, capable of erudite documentary scholarship and subtle interpretative exegesis, and of a superior genius characterized by lofty perspicuity and great power of expansion and condensation, so as to be able to open up an infinite vista for the future of human life. In the academic community of 20th century China Thome H. Fang was found to be well qualified to undertake such a Herculean task, in that he combined a great sense of mission with a rare endowment of genius, thus culminating in his unique accomplishment as a scholar and a guru through remarkably penetrating research studies. In his early monumental work "Three Types of Philosophical Wisdom" (1937), he succeeded in comprehending succinctly and elegantly in classical Chinese the three great philosophical types of wisdom of ancient Greece, modern Europe, and China; his way of presentation was highly condensed and explicit throughout. We regret, however, to find the typical philosophical wisdom of ancient India to be missing therein. However Fang was far from lacking in any ambition and zest to develop and establish his theory in this regard. He had a comprehensive and systematic grasp and judgment of the Indian philosophical heritage as a whole; however, there is some uncertainty in his disciples' records and compilations. This essay, based on the fundamental sources of The Upanishads and The Bhagavad-Gita which Fang had so strongly recommended, attempts to analyze the concepts of "Brahman" and "Karma" as peculiarly embodied in what is characteristic of Indian civilization, or as it is often called, the philosophical doctrine of "Meditation and Action" as one, with a view to providing a hermeneutical interpretation of the fourth type of philosophical wisdom--"the merit-deed type of wisdom" of India so implied in Fang's entire philosophical system.
作者 朱文信 ZHU Wen-xin(Department of Social Science Education, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou 310002, China)
出处 《周易研究》 CSSCI 2017年第3期84-96,共13页 Studies of Zhouyi
基金 浙江省高校重大人文社科项目攻关计划资助(2014QN022)
关键词 实在 羯磨 解脱 智慧 meditation action moksha wisdom
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