
去产能背景下煤炭企业员工安置问题研究 被引量:4

Study on staff resettlement problems of coal enterprises under background of de-capacity
摘要 介绍现有煤炭大省中企业单位的安置办法,描述了我国现阶段去产能企业员工安置问题的现状,结合现有的安置办法对安置过程中出现的问题进行分析,在整合现有安置办法的基础上提出新的改进措施,完善了去产能背景下员工安置问题的相关办法,为我国去产能员工安置问题的进展提出更完善的思路。 The paper introduced the resettlement methods of the enterprises in the present large coal producing provinces and described the staff resettlement problems of the present enterprises with the de-capacity in China. In combination with the available resettlement methods, an analysis was conducted on the problems occurred in the resettlement process. Based on the integration of the available resettlement methods, new improved measures were provided and the related methods of the staff resettlement issues were improved under the background of the de-capacity in order to provide the improved idea to conduct the staff resettlement problems for the de-capacity in China.
出处 《煤炭经济研究》 2017年第5期63-67,共5页 Coal Economic Research
关键词 去产能 员工安置 煤炭企业 de-capacity staff resettlement coal enterprises
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