
从秦国兴亡看商鞅变法速效根源 被引量:3

A Study of the Root of the Immediate Effectiveness of Shang Yang Reform from the Rise and Fall of Qin Dynasty
摘要 速效性是商鞅变法成功的一个重要原因和特点,其根源在于极端贯彻运用了"利出一孔"思想。在国家掌控所有生存资源的前提下,秦国统治者遏制并关闭所有个人生存通道或空间,仅把"农战"作为民众唯一的生存"孔道",因此能快速集中国家肌体上每一个细胞的力量,驱动全民为兼并战争、统一中国效力。这对秦国暴兴功不可没,同时,也由于其缺乏制度弹性、悖逆人情等副作用,给秦朝暴亡埋下了重大隐患。秦国兴亡留给历史的昭示是,只有把强民作为强国的前提和基础,协调发展民力与国力的关系,才能走出"利出一孔"的利弊循环。这对进一步深入反思商鞅变法、总结改革与兴衰关系和推进国家治理现代化有很强的现实意义。 An important cause and characteristic of Shang Yang Reform, immediate effectiveness owed itself to the reform's radical implementation of the thoughts of "benefits to all from one and only state-monopolized resource". With the state controlling all resources, Qin's rulers curbed and closed all individual living channels or space and regarded "agriculture and war" as the only survival channel of the public. So the state could, as it were, quickly gather the power of each cell of its body and in- volved all people in annexation wars and in efforts to unify China. Shangyang Reform did much for the rapid rise of Qin but also became a potential danger for its rapid fall for the dynasty's inflexible and in- human systems. Only when rulers take powerful people as the condition and foundation of a strong country and balance the relationship between development of people's financial resources and that of the country's strength can the country walk out of the cycle of the pros and cons of " benefits to all from one and only state-monopolized resource ". A research into the root of the immediate effectiveness of Sbangyang Reform is of great practical significance to further reflecting on Sbang Yang Reform, sum- marizing the relationship between reforms and the rise and fall of a country and promoting modernization of national governance.
作者 陈天林
机构地区 中央党校研究室
出处 《思想战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期117-122,共6页 Thinking
关键词 “利出一孔” 改革 兴衰 治理现代化 benefits to all from one and only state-monopolized resource, reform, rise and fall, governance modernization
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