阐述了大功率紫外灯253.7 nm和185.0 nm紫外线的产生机理,及其用于杀菌消毒和光解挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)的原理。设计了1款300 W电磁感应UVC紫外灯,其与传统紫外灯管相比,具有管壁负载轻、光衰小、寿命长、UVC能量分布集中等优点。并给出此新型升级产品的典型应用设施和在环境治理中的功效。
The generating mechanism of 253.7 nm and 185.0 nm ultraviolet from high power UVC lamp was elaborated, and the principle of sterilization and photolysis for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by UVC lamp was introduced. The design of a novel 300 W electromagnetic induction UVC lamp was presented, which has the advantages of low tube wall load, low light decay, long service life and high UVC power density compared with conventional ultraviolet lamps. Finally, the typical application facilities with this new type of products and their effectiveness in environmental governance were also provided.
ZHU Shenghe(Gaoyou Gaohe Photoelectricity Equipment Co., Ltd., 225606 Gaoyou, Chin)
China Light & Lighting