
宋元陆学的发展脉络及其评价——以《宋元学案》为中心的考察 被引量:1

The Development Process and Evaluation of Lu's Academic School in Song and Yuan Dynasties——Investigation Centering on Song Yuan Xue An,a Book Concerning Academic Learning in Song and Yuan Dynasties
摘要 江西陆学创始人三陆子的思想不尽相同。陆九韶倡导修齐治平的内圣外王之道,陆九龄就天赋之形色以求其所以然,有性气合一论倾向,陆九渊以发明本心为主旨,提倡心本论。编纂者基于其心学立场,在论述朱陆本体论及修养工夫的论辩时持早异晚同说,并倾向于陆九渊的太极元气说与尊德性为本的修养工夫论。编纂者指出陆学虽源于江西,但其传承与发扬光大主要依靠四明陆学,并认为其代表杨简将发明本心作为工夫之终极目的,从而将陆学禅学化了。编纂者疏理了南宋后期开始的朱陆合流历程,并表彰了陈苑与赵偕在元代中兴陆学的学术贡献,指出学术传承关键在于纯粹与否,同时指出赵偕尊杨简之说而将陆学禅学化了,并阐明了元末明初四明陆学的传承脉络。 The thoughts of the three founders of Lu's school who are Lu Jiushao,Lu Jiuling,and Lu Jiuyuan are not the same.Lu Jiushao advocates the importance of one's responsibility towards one's country and family and self-cultivation in theory and practice.Lu Jiuling seeks the reason why genius is what it is in terms of its characteristics,which possesses the thought of the unity of nature and chi.Lu Jiuyuan advocates the theory of conscience with a view to inventing nature.Based on their own psychological position,the writers hold the view that Zhu and Lu's thoughts begin differently and end the same when discussing ontology theory of Zhu and Lu and self-cultivation,and tend to support the idea of Lu Jiuyuan's Tai Chi Qi and respect for the virtuous of the cultivation of the work.The writers point out Lu's school derives from Jiang Xi,but it is carried forward by Lu's school of Siming,and also argues that Yang Jian,one representative of Lu's school,regards the creation of nature as his ultimate goal,thereby making Lu's thoughts zenization.The writers reorganize the progress of the concourse between Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan from late Southern Song dynasty,commend the academic contribution of Chen Yuan and Zhao Kai's in Mid?Yuan dynasty,and point out the key of academic inheritance lies in whether it is pure or not.They also point out Zhao Kai venerate Yang Jian's theory and make Lu's thoughts zenization,then illuminate the inheritance vein of Lu's school of Siming in late Yuan and early Mingn dynasties.
作者 连凡
出处 《江南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2017年第4期5-12,共8页 Journal of Jiangnan University:Humanities & Social Sciences Edition
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"阳明心学的历史渊源及其近代转型"(16JJD720014) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目"黄百家哲学思想研究"(113-410500126)
关键词 陆学 《宋元学案》 陆九渊 杨简 朱陆合流 Lu's Academic School Song Yuan Xue An Lu Jiuyuan Yang Jian Concourse Between Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan
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