终末期肾病合并HBV感染的血液透析患者,其HBV DNA载量相对较低且稳定。有研究认为,血液透析对HBV DNA载量有一定影响,可以降低HBV DNA载量,但是具体机制尚不清楚。可能与以下因素有关:HBV DNA通过透析膜进入到透析液中,HBV DNA吸附在透析膜上,部分病毒颗粒被破坏以及血液透析过程中产生具有抗病毒特性的物质。目前对于维持性血液透析HBV感染者的影响机制尚无统一结论。综述了维持性血液透析对终末期肾病合并HBV感染者的影响因素及其最新进展。
In the patients with end-stage renal disease(ESRD) with hepatitis B virus(HBV) infection who underwent hemodialysis,the viral load of HBV DNA is relatively low and stable.For this phenomenon,some studies suggest that hemodialysis can reduce the HBV DNA load.The mechanism,which remains unclear,may be as follows:when HBV DNA enters the dialysate through the dialysis membrane,it was adsorbed onto the dialysis membrane;some virus particles were destroyed,and antiviral substances were produced in the course of hemodialysis.At present,there is no consensus on the mechanism responsible for the influence of maintained hemodialysis on the viral load of HBV DNA.This article reviews the factors involved in the influence of maintained hemodialysis on the viral load in ESRD patients with HBV infection and the recent progress.
ZHANG Huifang LI Yongguo.(Department of Infectious Diseases, The First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150001, China)
Journal of Clinical Hepatology