

Particularity of Regional Culture and Social Change in Huaibei Area——Interview Record with Professor Ma Junya,an Expert on Regional Social Ecology History
摘要 本文是淮阴师范学院学报编辑部仇海燕老师拜访南京大学历史学院马俊亚教授形成的访谈录,主要论及淮北地域文化与社会变迁的特殊性问题。马俊亚教授长期从事江南经济发展、淮北社会变迁以及两者比较研究,取得了令人瞩目的成就,提出了一系列独到的、值得关注的学术观点。他认为:淮北在中国农耕社会发展史上长期处于领先地位,南宋以后逐步衰落,为江南所赶超,至明清两代进一步沦为"被牺牲的局部";中国君主专制时代政治权力过于强大及其恶劣的影响,在淮北社会变迁中表现得十分明显,是导致淮北衰落的重要原因;弃海运、行河运是君主专制时代的"重大政策失误"和"伪大局",不仅牺牲了淮北,而且使中国社会进一步沦为封闭保守的"超稳定系统",延搁了中国社会发展进程。 This paper is about an interview record between Teacher Qiu Haiyan in Journal Editing Department of Huaiyin Normal University and Professor Ma Junya in Historical College of Nanjing University, mainly involving particularity of regional culture and social change in Huaibei area. Professor Ma Junya has long been engaged in economic development in Jiangnan area, social changes in Huaibei area and the comparative study of two with remarkable achievements, and a series of unique and valuable opinions have been put forward. He thinks Huaibei had been in a leading position in the development of China's agricultural society but gradually declined and surpassed by the Jiangnan after the Southern Song Dynasty, and further reduced to a sacrificed local in Ming and Qing dynasties; political power was too strong in the Chinese monarchy era with a bad influence on social changes of the Huaibei; abandonment of sea transportation and use of river transportation were major policy mistakes and pseudo-overall situation in the monarchy era, which made Huaibei damaged and made China's society become a conservative ultra-stable system so that the process of social development in China was delayed.
出处 《淮阴师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第4期404-409,共6页 Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 2016年度国家社会科学基金重点项目"近代中国社会环境历史变迁研究"(16AZS013)
关键词 淮北 江南 区域社会发展 区域社会生态 Huaibei Area Jiangnan Area Regional Social Development Regional Social Ecology
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