

On Dilemma of American Performance Funding Policy and Its Enlightenment
摘要 自1979年田纳西州首次推行绩效资助政策至今,美国高校绩效资助政策的发展就呈现出极大的波动性和不稳定性。究其原因,一是受到了外部政治力量变化、经济财政收支状况骤变以及其他利益集团发展等因素的影响;二是因为绩效资助政策本身在指标设定、绩效结果评价方式、绩效资金拨款方式等方面存在缺陷因素。为保证绩效资助政策发挥激励性作用,我国应从以下几个方面着手实施绩效资助政策:控制政府政治干预力量,增强绩效资助的公信度;确立绩效资金预算相应的法律地位,保证稳定绩效资助资金投入;合理设置绩效指标,提高绩效资助政策支持度;公平评价绩效成果。 The development of performance subsidy policy in American universities has shown great volatility and instability since the first time in Tennessee in 1979. On the one hand, it is affected by the change of external political power, the sudden change of economic and financial revenue and expenditure and the develop- ment of other interest groups. On the other hand, the performance subsidy policy has its own defects on index setting, performance evaluation method, performance fund allocation method. We should control the political interference of the government and enhance the financial reliability of performance funding, establish the corre- sponding legal status of performance funds budget to ensure stable performance and support the investment of funds, set up performance indicators reasonably and improve performance support policy support, make fair evaluation of performance results and evaluate results with progressive principles to ensure performance policy plays an inspiring role.
作者 吴鹏 WU Peng(China West Normal University, Nanchong, Sichuan 637000, Chin)
出处 《现代教育科学》 2017年第6期142-148,共7页 Modern Education Science
关键词 美国 绩效资助 困境分析 United States performance support dilemma analysis
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