
护士工作不安全感及工作生活质量与离职意愿的关系研究 被引量:20

Research on Nurse Job Insecurity and the Relationship between the Quality of Life and Turnonver Intention
摘要 目的探讨护士工作不安全感、工作生活质量对离职意愿的影响。方法采用便利抽样法选取2016年6-8月安徽省某市2所二级甲等综合性医院及3所三级甲等综合性医院的571名在职护士为研究对象,采用自编一般资料问卷、工作不安全感量表、工作生活质量量表及离职意愿量表对其进行调查。结果护士工作不安全感及其各维度与工作生活质量呈负相关(P<0.001),与离职意愿呈正相关(P<0.001)。结构方程模型显示,工作不安全感及工作生活质量对离职意愿有直接效应,工作不安全感还以工作生活质量为中介变量,对离职意愿有间接效应;工作不安全感与工作生活质量对离职意愿的标准化路径系数分别为0.29和-0.38,工作不安全感对离职意愿的标准化总效应为0.4;外因变量工作不安全感和工作生活质量可以解释内因变量离职意愿总变异的29%。结论护士的工作不安全感、工作生活质量及离职意愿现状较乐观,但仍有继续改进的空间;医院与护理管理者应降低护士工作不安全感、提高其工作生活质量,以降低离职意愿。 Objective To study the nurse job insecurity, and effect of the quality of life on turnover intention. Methods By convenience sampling, 571 nurses were selected and investigated by using homemade general ques- tionnaire,job insecurity scale, life quality scale and turnover intention scale.Results The nurse job insecurity, the quality of life and turnover intention showed significant correlation (P〈0.001).Structural equation model showed that the job insecurity and life quality had a direct effect on turnover intention; based on the intervening variable of life quality,the job insecurity had an indirect effect on turnover intention.The standardized path coefficients that were of job insecurity and job life quality and are caused on turnover intention were separately 0.29 and 0.38.The total standardization effect of job insecurity on turnover was 0.4.External variables,like the job insecurity and life quality, caused a portion of 29% of the total variance of the internal variable, like turnover intention.Conclusion Status of the nurse job insecurity, the life quality and turnover intention is relatively optimistic, and still have room for improvement. Hospital and nursing administrators should reduce the nurse job insecurity, improve life quality, so as to reduce turnover intention.
作者 徐燕 尹红芹 杨兰芳 张艳红 杨秀木 Xu Yan Yin Hongqin Yang Lanfang Zhang Yanhong Yang Xiumu(School of Nursing, Bengbu Medical College, Benghu 233030, Anhui Province, China Department of Nephrology, Huaibei People ' s Hospital, Huaibei 235000, Anhui Province, China Urology Surgery, Huaibei People' s Hospital Depart- ment of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Huaibei People 's Hospital School of Nursing, Research Center for General Practice Education Development,Bengbu Medical College)
出处 《解放军护理杂志》 CSCD 2017年第12期23-26,42,共5页 Nursing Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
基金 蚌埠医学院全科医学教育发展研究中心招标项目(SK2015A119) 蚌埠医学院研究生科研创新计划项目(Byycxz1619)
关键词 护士 工作不安全感 工作生活质量 离职意愿 nurse job insecurity life quality turnover intention
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