
白海附近解除火车限速的铁路路基振动诊断和物理建模(英文) 被引量:1

Vibrational diagnostics and physical modeling of subgrade at the railway line nearby White Sea for deregulation of train speed limit
摘要 在俄罗斯北方铁路货运线路沿线路堤上开展了一系列针对软弱地基(泥炭土和黏土)的研究,包括原型振动诊断、物理建模以及计算路堤变形和加固类型变化等。利用离心模型试验对木桩加固泥炭土地基的性能进行了评价,并将其结果与未进行加固处理的路堤模型进行了对比。以Obozerskaya-Malenga线(俄罗斯北部阿尔汉格尔斯克和摩尔曼斯克地区)上的路堤作为路堤原型开展研究;在MIIT中,采用数值计算方法开展地基稳定性、弹性沉降、最终沉降分析,并采用专用软件确定路基稳定性的影响因素和系数。研究结果表明:未进行加固处理的路基建模失效是由路堤顶部承载能力的减小和固定在模型右侧超载的位移所导致的。根据泥炭土地基基础的隆起(路堤模型的每一侧),其变形有接近路堤模型坡脚的变化趋势,在此情况下最大沉降量超过15mm。原型振动监测的结果决定了对路堤采取的进一步措施为:根据主要标准,对于其中被记录的非稳定状态路堤,建议进行详细的调查和路基加固工程。 The complex researches were carried out at the Russian North Railways on the routes of freight traffic,in direction of the embankments on weak(peaty and clayed)foundation.These complex researches included vibration diagnostics for prototypes,physical modeling,calculation of the deforming embankments and the variants of its reinforcing.Evaluation of efficiency of reinforcing of the peat foundation by wooden piles was provided by the centrifuge modeling.The results were compared with modeling embankments without reinforcing.Embankments on Obozerskaya-Malenga Line(northern part of Russia,Arhangelsk and Murmansk region)were taken as a prototype of the embankments.In MIIT(Moscow State Railway University),the numerical calculation methods of foundation stability,elastic settlement and final settlement are applied,and the influencing factors and coefficients of stability were determined by using special software.The results show that failure of embankments modeling without reinforcement in view of the bearing capacity which realized in the reduction of the embankment top,and displacements of the surcharge which fixed to the right side of the models.According to the base uplift of the foundation peat(for each side of the embankment model),the deformation tends to approach the slope of the embankment model,in which case the maximum settlement exceeds 15 mm.The further activities on the embankment:for the embankments where the unstable state is recorded on the basis of the main criterion,it is recommended to conduct a detailed survey and to make a project of reinforcing of the subgrade.
作者 EVGENY S ASHPIZ ANDREY A ZAYTSEV EVGENY S ASHPIZ ANDREY A ZAYTSEV(Moscow State University of Railway Engineering of Emperor Nicholas ]I , Moscow 127994, Moscow, Russia)
出处 《长安大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期34-40,共7页 Journal of Chang’an University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 路基工程 软弱地基 泥炭土 物理模型 振动诊断 稳定性 subgrade engineering weak foundation peat physical modeling vibrational diagnostic stabilization
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