

Study on Information Platform of Farmer-Supermarket Direct Purchase Based on Internet of Things in Liaoning Province
摘要 中国的"互联网+"行动计划为中国未来的农业发展指明了方向。作为中国农业大省的辽宁省在推动物联网与传统农业相结合方面应该身先士卒,加快推进农业现代化建设。基于物联网的辽宁省"农超对接"信息平台将物联网技术引入"农超对接"的过程中,为果蔬类农产品的监控提供了全新的技术思路,可以实现果蔬类农产品从农民到消费者的实时监测,从而实现了传统农业的转型升级,推动了辽宁省农业现代化发展的进程。 Internet plus action plans of China point out the direction for China's future agricultural development,Liaoning province pushes the Internet of things together with traditional agriculture to speed up agricultural modernization as a major agricultural province of China. Information platform of "farmer-supermarket direct purchase"based on Internet of things in Liaoning Province provides a new technological idea for the monitoring of fruit and vegetable products. Therefore it realizes the reforming promotion of traditional agriculture,and promotes the development of agricultural modernization in Liaoning province.
作者 孙琪恒 郭辰
机构地区 营口理工学院
出处 《物流工程与管理》 2017年第7期70-72,共3页 Logistics Engineering and Management
基金 2014年度辽宁省教育厅科学研究一般项目(L2014597)
关键词 互联网+ 物联网 农超对接 信息平台 internet plus internet of things farmer-supermarket direct purchase information platform
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