目的:观察四君子汤对电离辐射所致免疫和造血系统损伤的防治作用,探讨其可能的机制。方法:采用CCK-8试剂盒检测不同终浓度(0、60、120、600、1 200μg/mL)的四君子汤作用48 h对淋巴母细胞AHH-1的毒性作用,以及不同终浓度(0、0.04、0.2、1、25、120μg/mL)的四君子汤预处理2 h对4 Gy^(60)Coγ射线照射后AHH-1细胞存活率的影响。选择6~8周的BALB/c小鼠160只,用随机数字表法分为阴性对照组、照射对照组以及四君子汤0.75、2.25、6.75 g/kg剂量组。3.5 Gyγ射线全身单次照射造成小鼠电离辐射损伤模型。照射后第3和第7天,观察四君子汤对小鼠外周血淋巴细胞数及百分率、胸腺系数的影响。各组小鼠经5.5 Gyγ射线全身单次照射后,观察30 d并记录死亡小鼠数和死亡时间。结果:与照射对照组细胞(0μg/mL)相比,四君子汤在0~120μg/mL范围内对AHH-1细胞未见明显毒性(P>0.05),经120μg/mL四君子汤处理的AHH-1细胞存活率显著提高(P<0.05)。与照射对照组比较,照后3 d,四君子汤2.25 g/kg剂量组小鼠的外周血淋巴细胞数及百分率均显著升高(P均<0.05);四君子汤6.75 g/kg剂量组的淋巴细胞百分率显著升高(P<0.05);照后第3和第7天,四君子汤6.75 g/kg剂量组的胸腺系数均显著升高(P均<0.05)。与照射对照组比较,四君子汤6.75 g/kg剂量组小鼠的30 d内平均存活时间及30 d生存率均显著增加(P均<0.05)。结论:四君子汤通过提高外周血淋巴细胞数、减少胸腺损伤,可缓解电离辐射所致损伤,促进小鼠免疫和造血功能恢复,并可促进γ射线照射小鼠的存活,可考虑作为电离辐射损伤防治药物作进一步的研究。
OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the preventive and therapeutic effects of Sijunzi decoction ondamage from ionizing radiation in hematopoietic and immune systems.METHODS:CCK-8 assay kit was used to detect the toxic effect of AHH-1 cells which were treated with different dosages (0,60,120,600,1200μg/mL) ofSijunzi decoction extract for 48 h. In addition,the survival rate of AHH-1 cells which were pretreated with different dosages (0,0.04,0.2,1,25,12060μg/mL) of Sijunzi decoction for 2h and irradiated with 4.0 GyCoγ-rays was investigated. One hundred and sixty BALB/c mice aged 6-8 weeks were divided by random number table method into normal control group,radiation group,and three groups of Sijunzi decoction at dosages of 0.75,2.25 and 6.75 g/kg,respectively. Radiation-damaged mice model were individually-irradiated with 3.5,5.5 Gyγ-rays,respectively. The following a ctivity indexes were investigated:the count and percentage of peripheral lymphocytes,thymus index,survival rate and average survival time in 30 d.RESULTS:Compared to the radiation group,the survival rate of irradiated AHH-1 cells were increased greatly bySijunzi decoction at the dosage of 120μg/mL (P〈0.05). At 3d after irradiation,the count and percentage of peripheral lymphocytes were promoted significantly (P〈0.05) bySijunzi decoction at the dosage of 2.25 g/kg in mice. The percentage of peripheral lymphocytes was increased significantly (P〈0.05) by Sijunzi decoction at the dosage of 6.75 g/kg,also the count of peripheral lymphocytes was increased. At 3 and 7 d after irradiation,the thymus index was increased significantly (P〈0.05) by Sijunzi decoction at the dosage of 6.75g/kg. Besides,the survival rate was increased (P〈0.05) and the mean survival time was prolonged significantly (P〈0.05) by Sijunzi decoction at the dosage of 6.75 g/kg.CONCLUSION:Sijunzi decoction could alleviate the ionizing radiation-induced damage,improve mice immune and hematopoietic function,by means of increasing the count and percentage of peripheral lymphocytes and the thymus index. On the other hand,Sijunzi decoction can also improve the 5.5 Gy-irradiated mice&#39;s survival rate. Accordingly,Sijunzi decoction might bed eveloped into a new drug for radiation protection.
Carcinogenesis,Teratogenesis & Mutagenesis
ionizing radiation
survival rate