

Investigation on Intervention of Clinical Pharmacists to Develop Pharmaceutical Care in Intensive Care Unit Based on Medication Characteristics
摘要 目的探讨重症监护病房(ICU)药师开展临床工作的切入点。方法结合日常工作,参考国内外文献,对ICU患者的用药特点展开分析,并以此为线索剖析临床药师的工作切入点。结果 ICU患者的病理生理和用药十分复杂,需要个体化的药学服务。结论 ICU药师应运用药动学/药效学知识,针对治疗过程中的药物剂量调整、药物相互作用和不良事件防范等环节开展药学监护工作。 Objective To investigate the entry points for clinical work of intensive care unit (ICU) pharmacists. Methods Through combination with daily work and referring the domestic and foreign literature, the characteristics of ICU medications wee discussed to find out the entry point for clinical "work of ICU pharmacists. Results ICU patients particularly need individualized pharmaceutical care because of the special pathophysiological characteristics and medicine use. Conclusion ICU phaiinacists should provide pharmaceutical care based on Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics knowledge and focus on the drug dosage adjustment,drug interactions and adverse event prevention.
出处 《医药导报》 CAS 2017年第8期933-936,共4页 Herald of Medicine
关键词 重症监护病房 用药特点 药动学/药效学 药学监护 Intensive care unit Medication characteristics Phamiacokinetics/phamiacodynamics Pharmaceutical care
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