Whether GDP is statistically distorted and to what extent has it been distorted have become hot issues in China. Due to the lack of a uniform estimation methodology, the empirical test remains largely unexplored on discovering the motivations that drive local governments to push GDP higher artificially. In this study, we construct the GDP distortion indicator by comparing the ratio between officially published GDP and the DMSP/OLS satellite data, and then examine the GDP distortion behaviors during the political promotion cycle. Our basic findings are: Firstly, GDP distortions vary considerately among regions, i.e., certain areas show larger magnitude of GDP distortions and the situation is worsening over time. Secondly, the political promotion motives of local officials have show great impact on distorting GDP, however, the effects of mayor's promotion motives differ significantly from that of secretaries of municipal party committees. Thirdly, the magnitude of secretaries' promotion motives impact grows larger as the tenure is extended. Whereas, it shows a little bit decrease at the fourth year in a whole political promotion cycle. Finally, the local officials could actually benefit by distorting GDP, especially for the secretaries of municipal party committees. As the GDP is distorted upward by 1%, the probability for the secretaries to be promoted will increase by 0.22%. However, these political rewards are not significant for the mayors. Our study has established an insight to look into the real GDP distortion status in China and provided explanations for the motivations of GDP distortions as well as the consequences of the "officials make the statistics".
LU Sheng-feng CHEN Si-xia YANG Zi-han(Economics and Management School, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China School of Public Finance and Taxation, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073, China)
China Industrial Economics