2Jhon S. Brubaeher, Wilis Rudy, Higher Education in transition: An. American History 1636-1956 [M]. New York: Harper&Row Publishers, 1958.101 - 102,112,113.
3S.E. Morison. Three Centuries of Harvard,1636-1936[M].Harvard University Press, 1937. 255.
4Clarence J. Karier,Man,Society nad Education:A History of American Educational Ideas ,Illinois, scott ,foresman and company, 1967.83.
5Richard Hofstadter , wilson Smith, American Higher education,A Dovumentary History [M]. Volume 2, the University of Chicago Press,1961. 609-610,717.
6Freeman R Butts, The college charts Its course [M].NewYork: McGraw-Hill Book company, 1939. 176.
7Frederick Rudolph The American college and University [M]. AlfredA,Knope,and Random House,Inc,1962. 293,294,302,303,304.
8Christopher J. Lucas. American Higher education: A History[M]. ST. Matin's Griffin, NewYork, 1994. 166.
9Frederick rudolph. curriculum:A History of the American Undergraduate course of Study since 1636,Jossey-bass Publishers,San Francisco,1977. 191.
10Walter C. Bronson, The History of Brown University,1764-1914, Providence, R. I: Brown University, 1914.430.