
语言测试的社会公平性问题的实证研究——汉语水平考试的DIF检验 被引量:3

Analysis of DIF of Listening Performance in HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) between Asian Examinees and Non-Asian Examinees
摘要 任何一种测试都要公平、公正,否则就失去了它存在的价值和意义。对语言测试的公平性问题的研究是测验开发者不可推卸的责任和义务。汉语水平考试(HSK)是专门为汉语作为第二语言的学习者而设计的语言测试。经过二十多年的发展,HSK在公平性问题研究方面已经取得了长足进展。针对HSK特有的考生构成特点,本文将考生数量较少的非亚裔考生当作研究对象,将其设为目标组,考察HSK是否会对这个亚群体考生不公平。本文运用3种传统的DIF检验方法——MH方法、SIBTEST方法和Logistic regression方法,对HSK【初中等】一套试卷的听力理解测验进行DIF检验,比较目标组(非亚裔考生)和参照组(亚裔考生)在同一组项目上的表现。 All types of tests are supposed to be fair and just lest it lose its value and meaning of existence,so to guarantee the equality and fairness of tests should be the primary obligation for the testers.Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK),designed for learners of Chinese as a second language,has made considerable progress in the issue of fairness after its twenty years of development.However,nothing can be perfect.In order to find out if the HSK is still fair and equal to non-Asian examinees if compared with Asian ones,the author of this article conducted a study,in which,the non-Asian students have been taken as subject group,and the three kinds of traditional DIF test methods - MH method,SIBTEST methods and Logistic regression methods have been employed.The results and the analysis of DIF of listening performance in HSK Chinese Proficiency Test) between Asian examinees and non-Asian examinees can offer us some inspiration and enlightenment.
作者 黄春霞
出处 《湖北招生考试》 2011年第24期61-64,共4页 Enrollment and Examination in Hubei
基金 北京语言大学校级青年资助项目:07QN10
关键词 DIF 公平性 MH方法 SIBTEST方法 LOGISTIC regression方法 DIF fairness MH method SIBTEST method logistic regression method
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