
欧洲开放政府数据合作模式与实现——跨地区共建共享典范 被引量:16

European Open Government Data Cooperation Mode and Realization:Cross-regional Co-construction and Sharing Model
摘要 文章首先对国内外研究欧洲开放政府数据的文献进行了回顾,从政策、资金、培训、评估4个方面总结了欧洲开放政府数据的合作模式,重点分析了数据共建共享的实现途径——欧洲数据门户的数据源整合、数据发布、数据利用和许可协议,最后提出数据开放和隐私保护并重、专项资金、专门复合人才培养以及完善的数据管理和平台评估等有益经验。 The literature about open government data in Europe are summarized and the features of open government data in Europe are discussed from four aspects-policy, fund, training and evaluation. Then it analyzes the cooperation mode of European open government data and the way of data sharing-data portal, including data source integration, data release, data utilization and license agreement. Finally the useful experiences were put forward, which were the data open and privacy protection balance, special funds, specialized personnel training, improvement of data management and platform assessment.
作者 武琳 伍诗瑜 Wu Lin Wu Shiyu(School of Information Management of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, 510006)
出处 《情报资料工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期75-80,共6页 Information and Documentation Services
关键词 欧洲开放政府数据 合作模式 欧洲数据门户 数据管理 European open government data, cooperation mode, European data portal, data management
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