At present, one main source put to use hydrogen is water electrolysis hydrogen production in China of the Upper-Air Mete- orological Sounding Stations. Hydrogen production and hydrogen use is importance segment in the Upper-Air Meteorological Sounding business, involve hydrogen business safe and stable operation, not only direct influence normal development of the Sounding business, it is a matter of life and death. On account of safety angle of the hydrogen production and hydrogen use working, through analyzing water electrolysis hydrogen production' s theory, QDQ2-1 type water electrolysis hydrogen production' s equipment character, and equipment trouble give rise to potential safety hazard, hydrogen' s flammable and combustible chemical characteristics, finally point out construction RMON System for hydrogen leakage in the hydrogen production stations, hydrogen storage stations and the air balloon grout stations, to ef- fectively promote the risk prevention and control ability and safety monitoring ability of hydrogen production and hydrogen use in the Upper -Air Meteorological Sounding Stations.
Automation & Instrumentation